Safe Sober Travels! 🇮🇪

So cool. I’ve always wanted to go there. Looks like your having a great time. I’d be looking for the Niagara Falls onesies :blush:


I’m gonna check Eric!! Good idea!!!


It is awesome. Went there a few years back. If all goes as planned I’ll be back in June on a business trip.




Wow huge wake up call. As I was walking back through Union Station in Toronto to return to the airport, there was a massive amount of people walking everywhere. I happened to be behind this nicely dressed and groomed man that was staggering. He had a backpack with a fluid bottle on the side. He stops a young couple going by and slurs. They say, excuse me? Can you repeat that? He says where am I? They say you’re in Toronto sir. He waves his hand and stumbles away. He started to grab a post because he was about to fall over as I walk by. My heart sinks and I say a prayer for him. Albeit, it may be a health thing because I hate to profile everyone. But, it’s still a striking PTSD moment for me. And so many times, to this day, not remembering certain time frames drunk. Those of us sober tonight staying strong, should say a prayer for those struggling :pray: :sleepy: :heart: And be thankful to be blessed with sobriety.


Was there in the eighties i was playing soccer in the states at that time


Now there’s a story I hadn’t heard yet Mr. Ray!! What? You played soccer in the states??


I finally made it to Ireland this AM!

Customs was a bear but I survived and they let me through yay! Lol I met and talked to some absolutely beautiful Canadians :heart: Toronto was a wonderful experience and such a lovely city! I would love to go back one day and just vacation and explore more!
But so far, the best part of my day has been to meet my beautiful granddaughter Mèabh Rebecca!! I’m in love with this little one!!!

My son and dil have some plans for a few adventures and I will certainly post pics of beautiful Ireland! I may even have a Conor sighting :laughing:
On the sobriety level, the first thing my eyes go to in the fridge is my sons beer and my dil’s bottle of wine. I’m not tempted by the least, but it’s funny how my brain goes straight to it. My son asks me if this will bother me because he can get rid of it. But no I’m fine. The longer I go on this journey, the more confident I get having it around. It was sweet of him to offer though :heart:
Jet lag is a bitch. I’ll be posting at odd hours :laughing:


Awwww what a beautiful smile filled with love!


Hey Becky :hugs:
I’m so happy you finally made it.
You look so happy holding your granddaughter. It is the coolest.
How old is she there? I get to see mine on the 6th. Have a great time. I’m sure you will. Thanks for the thread.


So very happy for you with your wee granddaughter in your arms!! What a wonderful thing. Looking forward to more pics. Enjoy!!!


@Cjp and @SassyRocks thank you! I just can’t get enough of her!!:heart:

@Dazercat Eric she is 11 days old and so alert…aka nosey ha ha!! She wants to focus her eyes on everything and enjoys my singing to her! Oh so so loving this beautiful little one! Nothing in the world like it :hugs: Now I can relate how you must be feeling to your grandbaby’s visit on the 6th!!


Awww! She’s such a lil beauty!
Glad you made it safely. These are the moments in sobriety that make it all worth while.


Love it all. So happy for you! At least jet lag works with newborn hours lol!


Your granddaughter looks pretty comfy snuggled into your arms. I couldn’t be happier for you :cherry_blossom::slightly_smiling_face::sparkling_heart:


@Lisa07 Amen to that sister! :pray: @RosaCanDo haha! Yes she and I against the world at 3 AM!! LOL! So true!
@Laraellelarissa she’s a snugg-le bug!!! Her favorite place is that right there! And she tucks her little legs in and is just as happy as can be!! It’s adorable!!


Yea my older brother played for a team in Cincinnati and he asked if i wanted to play a few games over there as i was visiting , i signed for Celtic way back in 67 then got a bad knee injury and put pay to my pro career so i played junior till i retired from football in 89, so i played for a season ohio and kentucky semi pro.


Wow Ray! I had no idea! That’s freaking awesome :grinning:


Beautiful Tuesday :heart:


Pure joy!!!