Same old ..... zzz

Hi all , same old feelings of regret , disappointment … all that on the wake up . Fed up of being fed up. Bored . :sleeping:
Moved from London to get away from my life of drink and drugs but the drink has followed as I sort of guessed. Go to work , come home and drink , 8 -10 cans each and every day . Bored of fighting myself as I come home , should I, shouldn’t I?! Shop always wins . Have stayed sober previous for around 2 month and have never felt better , energy , sleep , my yellow eyes were slowly going back to white . I know it’s breaking that one day cycle but that is the hardest , alcoholic mind telling me it’s only a few beers … previously stayed sober due to a break up , back with the same woman , she doesn’t realise the extent of my drinking as we live apart and she likes a drink aswell . Think she has a idea there’s a problem but the social circle is unfortunately about drinking !
Have never attended AA in person other than online , I know what I need to do but the idea of first meeting is hard ! Excuse the rant , and cheers


Hi, I’m just about to leave for my 2nd face to face meeting.
Il let you know how it goes. And my first was 2 weeks ago and It was a great experience.
I think we have to just jump in our shoes our our coat on and just go. It’s so easy to talk ourselves out of it.
But got to leave now and il message soon how it was.

You can get through this. We all need some kind of help :hugs: and not eveyone around us understands how it really is for us.


Hi, thanks for your honest post. Think everyone with experience of this battle has been where you are just now. That said, your journey is individual to you. It took me 14 years to go from “this probably is a problem” to actually doing something about it. Don’t be get caught in that trap. Thing that changed it for me was a visit to AA and hearing people talk about alcohol the way I thought about it. Feeling so at home in that environment told me everything I needed confirmed. I didn’t stick with AA btw and actually surprised myself by finding ways to improve I’d never have explored before. I’m approaching 300 days (day 296 today).

I wish you the very best of luck in your journey.


Everyone there at the meeting you go to will have been were you are they will understand there are plenty of other programs out there a good network is a good way to get and stay sober wish you well


Congrats on the 296 days mate , :+1: pleased for you . What alternatives did you find other than AA ? Cheers

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Thank-you mate, looking into smart but it’s online and once a week from what I can find ,

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I had a bit of an epiphany where by simply turning my thoughts truly inward, I started realising my part in my problem. I had spent so much time telling myself it was everything other than me that was the problem. It was issues at work, it was issues at home, it was particular people, it was …, it was …, it was …!!

This led me to explore some of the spiritual stuff out there. Read some Sadhguru and learned about Buddhism. The latter had a lot to say that made so much sense.

As I say, everyone’s journey is personal but learning, meditation, personal responsibility, mindful living and trying to follow “the middle path” has completely changed my attitude and happiness. It has definitely played a part in keeping me sober.

Understand it won’t be for everyone though!

Other things I started were writing and sketching. Both were a great outlet and really interesting to look back on as a journey.


Everybody needs to rant/vent sometimes. Here’s a good as a place as any. I applaud you for your honesty and being here in the first place.


This Is me now… and it’s amazing the difference it makes to our thinking and bringing peace daily into our life.

My meeting last night was so positive, I listened to many share their stories and I took alot away from there that will be useful for my recovery.
Everyone is so welcoming, they have been me, and understand alcoholism and their are people there who can teach about the steps.
Definitely give it a go. You cant lose anything trying you will only gain, it’s very powerful being in a room with people who actually understand.

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