So we ate prawns last night and my husband came home witha bottle of red wine and said to me…I bought this bottle aspeciall for you because you cant eat prawns without red wine…then I said thanks so much for your gesture but you will have to drink it for me because I am not resetting at 2 weeks …and guess what I ate prawns without wine and it wasn’t that bad …
Two weeks, nice. Keep it up.
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Nice job!!! Bet they were delicious! “flexing your sober muscles” that!
Awesome job, Lorrie! And a HUGE Congrats on TWO WEEKS!
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That’s awesome !!!
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Very very good @Lorrie awesomely done !! Food do tastes better without red wine and all that stuff. You are doing great. Glad it had an positive effect
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Thats so true its as if I actually appreciate the taste of food for the first time in a long long time!
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Yeah i do exactly know what you mean. Got to love that. life tastes better too
keep it up and enjoy it
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