Scared..Being admitted to the hospital

Best wishes - hope it goes well

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I will be praying for you and your situation. :pray::pray::pray::pray::heart::heart::heart:

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Sending love and best wishes to you :two_hearts::pray:t2:

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How is everything going? You are in my prayers

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Hi! Thank you, things are ok glad to be home… in a lot of pain from the seizure as all my muscles went into complete spasms during it and I have herniations thru out my spine so I’m just trying to not focus on it as one of my doc was pain pills… they are sending in a home care nurse on Monday to evaluate me to see what in house services I’m entitled to to help with my recovery. Just taking things one breath at a time for now. Mentally and physically honestly I’m a mess. But thanks to this forum and support it’s helping me get thru it. I have 140 days sober today and I’m refusing to go backwards… thanks for asking.


You are a champion I am sorry you are going through that I hope you continue and glad to hear you are okay stay strong congratulations on your sober days

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Thank you very much!

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Wow so sorry you are going through this. I had herniated disks and had to have spinal fusions and metal plates and screws put in. When it’s herniated the pain is the worst in the world. I know how you feel and I pray that you are well and get better. Just please be careful with the pain pills. :pray:


I’m not taking any… they lead me down a very very dark whole, they are part of my addiction so that’s why I was saying dealing with this right now is extremely hard being not able to take anything like that for the pain

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