Scared I won't succeed

You can do this! One second, one minute, one hour at a time!

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Relapses happen, we’re all in recovery, not recovered.
Don’t kick yourself too much while you’re down, you were able to stay sober before you can certainly do it again. It’s easy to forget how many victories you get in one sober day every time you choose to stay sober. Remember why you want to quit and write it down so you can remind yourself why the struggle is worth it at the end of the day, and especially the morning after.

I know how scary it is, but it does get easier. You can do this, the community here is amazing and there are so many people here to help support you. :heart: You got this. I’m proud of you. It takes a lot to get sober/clean, so don’t give up no matter how hard it is.:heart: Remember it is normal to relapse, it happens to the best of us, but juat make sure you get back up and try again. :heart: