Scary relapse dreams

Lately ive been having some, well, disturbung dreams lately and ive just been wondering if anyone else has had the same thing while they’re trying tk get back from relapses.

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I had one the night before last. My god i was convinced i drank. It was horrible. In my dream i was hiding it and drinking so much i felt dehydrated and sick when i woke. I was relieved to know it was a dream. I think its our awareness giving us a bit of a reminder of how shit it feels. They are very common. Ive a few friends in recovery that have experienced them. They are never pleasent but then neither is drinking and using. Thank god its just a dream!

Agreed. My one before last was about the lady i love saying I disgust her. And my last one was about me ending myself.

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Dreams are doorways to our psyche.

My drinking dreams usually go like so…

I’m with some random people and all of a sudden I have a beer in my hand and take a big rip off it. I think “why am I drinking? I quit…” And typically I have that moment in my dream, where I realize I’m dreaming and relax a bit, find some humor in it, and slowly wake up, happy knowing I’m sober now.

This is addictions sneeakiness, even using our subconscious mind to call us back. Stay strong. The dreams will come and go but your sobriety is constant.