Screenshot Your Clean time.”I’ll go first” (Part 3)

Just remember that long sobertime does not say much about quality of that time. I have to work the program and attend my metings. If i am full force in the 12 steps i will be ok when life happens.


This is the key!! Thank you for the reminder. Amazing sober time and grateful to learn that we need to keep up the work to see the results (can not get complacent or be pulled into a false senyof sober security).


Lost in this journey. The not drinking and smoking part of it seems to be the easiest. I don’t know how to handle feelings. I don’t feel as if I have control of my life right now, like I did before.

Life on life’s terms … Getting eaten by the bear … I suck at this part and not enjoying the learning curve. I haven’t navigated this road well before and I’m definitely not now.

Oh well, such is life today. Gotta take it in the chin and move on. I have the ability to man up, but that’s probably not best for the long run. So sitting in a miserable mind, praying some future good will come from it.

Enjoy the day everyone!


The good news is we get our feelings back.
The bad news is we get our feelings back.

I waited almost 4 years before I started going to AA meetings. I had the not picking up down. It’s not an option. I don’t drink anymore. But I didn’t know how to act. I’m pretty good on here. But IRL not so much. I got a lot of fears. Fear of going to AA being one on the biggest ones.

Anyway……. I started going to AA because I wanted to know how others do it. Listen to their stories. It’s really helped me a lot.

I’ve heard maybe people complain about the God thing in AA. Personally I hate when they say the Lords Prayer at the end. I much prefer the serenity prayer. But you know what? In the long run? Who gives a shit? Say it? Don’t say it? Nobody gives a shit. I just go to listen and learn.

Sorry didn’t mean to ramble on. You’re doing so great. I’m learning there’s a lot more to recovery than just not picking up.


I’ve been popping in and out of a huge funk lately. My inner alcoholic has been pulling out all of the tricks!

fortunately, I remember exactly how miserable, hopeless and worthless I felt when I came too 1667 mornings ago.

One drink and thats what I get to experience again.

No thanks…



Two weeks… This is the longest I’ve gone in years!


My mantra for these kind of days is “it won’t always be this way.” The moon is also in a sensitive sign of Pisces for a couple days…if you believe in that sorta stuff. I sometimes use astrology to navigate through the rough patches. It helps get me into thinking about new thought patterns. We can’t always be functioning at %100 is another mantra I use regularly!


@SKhan living life on life’s terms without having anything to provide a rosy colored veil sucks! I won’t sugarcoat it. This is the hardest lessons I’m learning. How to deal with life without turning to a unhealthy coping substance. After years of living life with a crutch it is going to take some time to readjust…be gentle with yourself. You are at 17 days and doing great…keep pushing forward and collecting your tools to help you navigate…it does get easier. Having a good support system helps immensely on this journey :people_hugging:


Sorry to hear about your funk. Glad you can still remember day 1 and all the misery that went along with that. Keep up with your amazing work…1667 days is impressive! :muscle:t4::people_hugging:. Hope the funk lifts and stays away :pray:t4:


Every day is a new record now! How cool is that?

Congrats in two weeks!



@Natnatnat so Great :smiley::+1:t5:


Thanks @Bomdhil :blush: feeling good :+1:

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@JasonFisher hey I didn’t even think of that!!! Very cool. Thanks :blush:


Hey friend…Hope your day improved from earlier. Just checking in to say hey you’re doing great! Just remember how good you felt a couple days ago listening to hip hop in a coffee shop! More days like that in your future. You deserve it!:heartbeat::coffee::muscle::pray:

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Prayers for strength and a patient mind my friend.


In focused on 30. Then 60, 90, & beyond! I’m excited to be free of that pain and to experience life as a better me. Clear


Welcome to the community JB and a great job on your 25 days! Glad to have you here with us - looking forward to celebrating many more milestones with you :tada: :muscle:

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