Screenshot Your Clean time.”I’ll go first” (Part 3)

Don’t let it get you too down. You aren’t starting from the beginning, you’re restarting with your tools and will. Reach out anytime man.


Day 23

Watching the sun rise, the sky is a nice pink glow. I feel good about today.


Don’t let this relapse bring you down. You stacked up some impressive days and I see that you got right back in track after the relapse…these are huge accomplishments Thomas. Be proud of yourself for pushing forward and working on your recovery. Remember that you are not alone…we all got your back here! ODAAT :muscle:t4::people_hugging:


New milestone reached! Thank you everyone for all the support :heartbeat:


You’re still here though and we’re all here for you :heartbeat:

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Day 24

A super fun night. An insane moment. It was nice to drive through a “Ride Program” and not have to worry. It was a pretty awesome night!

Today, I’m enjoying my coffee as my wife sleeps off her hangover :joy: I not going to lie… I love being the fresh one. She drinks 3 times a year and I got to sit on the other side of it for the first time. Pretty entertaining, sometimes annoying. She apologized for yelling at me over the homeless guy when I came to bed, that’s a first :joy:

We celebrate 14 years married today. I was looking back at the pics this morning. We were kids, and now we have kids. We knew nothing and we still know nothing :joy:

We made it this far, not by luck. This is real work, with every ups and downs. Changing personalities, growing away and together at times… 14 years here we are on Day 24!


Wow! Congrats on all your hard work and happy anniversary!!! :tada: :tada::tada:

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Dear @SKhan and @JazzyS thank you for your words and support. You made me cry. I feel very vulnerable


Big hugs my friend. Its ok to cry and let it out – we are here for you! You are not alone on this journey Thomas. Yeah day 2 :muscle:

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Wow, congratulations.
Nice wallpaper

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6 de junio


Mis “bottom lines” también incluyen el celibato sin masturbación durante un período durante el cual me rindo al programa S.L.A.A. y los Doce Pasos y aprender a aplicarlos a mi vida. La transformación energética que está ocurriendo es increíble. - S.L.A.A. Basic Text, Page 260

En mis primeros meses de abstinencia en S.L.A.A., solía ir a un taller de S.L.A.A en la casa de retiros de unas monjas. Soñé con escapar del mundo, hacer un voto de celibato y unirme a ellos. Me di cuenta de que era sólo mi anorexia queriendo escapar de la dificultad de encontrar y navegar la intimidad.

Luego usé esto como una manera de racionalizar mi deseo de seguir teniendo sexo incluso en la abstinencia. Pero mi padrino me sugirió que probara la abstinencia al menos hasta que terminara mi quinto paso. Con el fin de obtener claridad sobre mi enfermedad, encontré que necesitaba ser célibe por un período de tiempo.

El programa no se trataba sólo de hacer los pasos e ir a las reuniones. Necesitaba recuperar la energía que estaba desperdiciando en búsquedas sexuales y enfocarla en el Poder Superior y esfuerzos creativos. Necesitaba averiguar quién era sin todos los comportamientos anestesiadores. Como pude mantener el celibato durante mi abstinencia, me di cuenta de que el sexo no es la cosa más importante en la vida y ya no es mi única meta. Tengo un nuevo amor propio y amor por la vida.

Practico sexualidad sana incluyendo abstinencia cuando sea necesario.

¡Ánimo, @Bomdhil , Thomas!


It’s better than nothing


Excited to share this with you all.
I appreciate your posts, advice and self-reflections. Being a part of this community has made a big difference in my sobriety.


Yeah 3 days and going forward :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:…it is the best reward you are giving yourself :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

:grin::metal::purple_heart: YOU ALL ROCK!!!


Love it girl!! Keep the amazing momentum going :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

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Excited for the lucky sevens when they arrive. :slight_smile:


Bravo, Congratulations to everyone!
Never give up, even if you stumble :facepunch:t2:



Been blah last two days but I’m still grinding in positivity


Congrats on 60 days!!! @Vanessa8