Look at You logging in 6 months !!! Huge congratulations !!
One day at a time. Things will get better. You will feel better. Each day away from addictions is a day forward. If nothing else goes right at least you know when you go to sleep you didn’t go backwards. You’re doing great. 50 days is great! Keep moving forward.
Congrats on 50 days. So sorry you are feeling down. Only advice I can give…no way to change the past but you sure have a choice on your present! Maybe journal the shitty and then journal the good stuff!
Super exciting!!! Congratulations!!
Thank you! One day at a time, oh yes.
@tailee17 Thank you! Yeah, journaling might be a good idea, thanks for the tip.
A huge congrats to you…50 days is amazing work. We need to stay connected to community the most when we are feeling low and depressed. Please lean on us for support.
The early months I was only thinking of not drinking… nothing else mattered- just putting my head sober on the pillow each night. Then I started working on me and still am but it’s getting better day by day. I’ve noticed my anger is toned down. I sense the signs of depression and can use my healthy tools to find my way out.
You are doing amazing work my friend…just keep working on you and your recovery…it does get better and easier
Thank you very much for your comforting words, Jazzy. You’re right, I should be here more often especially now when I’m feeling down.
Yes!!! Way to go with your 8 months of sobriety
Keep that momentum going strong
Congratulations on 8 months.
Hey, look at that picture on your sober time screen. Looks to me like that’s a new garden. One that takes time, hard work, tenderness, and good care. Your old garden is dead. Leave it my friend. Focus on the task at hand NOW. Live in the present. I know these feelings myself. Jesus gives new life so you can bury the old. Love you! Head up friend
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words, JB! I already feel better, today’s been a good day.
Ok write down what has been good about it. Read it often. Hang on to the GOOD!
Thank you, my friend! I will.
I would have never bet on getting this far in sobriety: 500 days. It feels like a lot, but also like a little. I mentally retrace the various steps that have happened. It took me 4 months of attempts to reach day 1. I thought that 80% sobriety was a great achievement, but then someone here made me realize that the only option is 100%, and they were right, they convinced me!
What has helped me a lot:
- THIS COMMUNITY, a few of my timid posts, and hearing from clear-headed people who responded without judgment, but instead encouraged me
- In the beginning, the ONLINE MEETINGS on In the Rooms Online Recovery Community, Live Addiction Meetings &12 Step Meetings Online
- THE ONE HUNDRED DAYS CHALLENGE; there are different rooms here and even a layout with 100 days to check off. I started it after 30 days, and it really helped me get through the early months. Check in here 100 day SOBER challenge!
The benefits of sobriety are amazing: every minute feels more intense, a great clean energy, the ability to perceive people and situations with more sensitivity, less fear of facing difficult things, greater self-esteem, and a desire to keep improving (nutrition, exercise, goals, sex, etc.)
Thank you all so much! I couldn’t not celebrate with you.