Second day barrier

I cant seem to be able to pass the second evening “milestone”…to big craving? Less motivation?..overthinking? i do something wrong pfff

The first days are usually the hardest. It can help to treat each day like day one. taking it one day at a time. You’re in good company here, we understand the difficult process of detoxing.

Are you working a program, attending meetings? What are some triggers you’ve noticed?


Company here is really great yes. I dont attend any meetings nor i get any meds. I only visited a psycologist a couple of times. Ill go again but not sure that helps either. Triggers… hmm i believe the biggest one is simply keep thinking about it. Probably for relaxation purposes rather than social life. Althow ive been drinking awfully much (only evenings) i dont have any bad effects when i stop (day 1) except sweating ofcourse…its just my overthinking head…

After 24 hours is usually when detox symptoms kick in, after the usual hangover symptoms, so what you’re feeling is very normal. You can get past it though, keep trying. If you made it 24. try for another hour, then another, and so on. Take it minute by minute even! Many of us have, including myself.

I don’t personally attend meetings, but many on here do and swear by them, many who have more sober days than me. I do however listen to AA recordings online, post here almost every day, and read a lot about recovery. Someone here says “nothing changes if nothing changes,” which is so true.


Never had so far seizures and so on… although never passed the 48 hours line… somehow i believe if i get past the 3 days things will be somehow easier… great diagram thank you!!..

I think you need to find your “why”. My “why” for quitting drinking is to regain my health and become a better role model for my kids.

Once you find your “why” anytime you feel like drinking remind yourself why you are quitting.

This is my primary tool for not drinking. After that you just have to keep finding additional tools to stay sober. When I have bad cravings on a friday night after work sometimes I log in here or read a sober blog (currently having alcohol cravings). The list of tools is endless.

Im only in day 9 right now but I have had over 120 days sober. I obviously dont have it figured out but I keep trying to add to my toolbox till I get it right.