Second go around

Hey I’m trying everything to stay sober starting here…I’ll be in rehab hopefully by next week but until then I’m just looking for some support


Hello and welcome here!
This app is a great tool if you use it :facepunch: It helps me to be here every day. I’m 216 days sober and was here every day of it.
There is always someone around if you need it.
Hope to read you here often!


Welcome, there is a lot of good experience, strength and hope to draw from here. Keep coming back! :bird::two_hearts:

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Hi welcome… this app has helped me for the past 80 days … i found aa 2 weeks ago . Both have been my god send x

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Hi, and welcome. There is plenty of support, advice and information available here.

You have already put a plan into action by going to rehab…
You also have taken a huge step by finding this community!
Those are wins in my book.
Stay strong!

Hi - I just hit restart again after a couple slips. It’s a good place to visit with a lot of common ground- I intend now to be a bigger part of it.