Second Time Around

This is my first day sober for the second time. I was sober for 1 year in 2018. My addiction fooled me into thinking that I could start and stop whenever I wanted. I like to drink and smoke weed. I’m tired of both and have embarrassed my family for the last time. I know how hard it can be, but I’m ready to work through everything. I’m in therapy and am preparing myself for the rest of my life. This community helped me the first time around. When I relapsed I stopped coming here in order to not hold myself accountable. I know how powerful and helpful this community is. I plan on checking in every single day. Thank you for letting me share.


Hey welcome back. You already know what you gotta do, so let’s get this. :muscle::muscle:


Hey hey!! You’ve got this and as you know, we’re here for you :smiley:

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Welcome back :clap:

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Good share!

You’ve done it before, you can do it again. Get after it!

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