Self care. Mental health

Hi just wondering if anybody agrees with me that self care is the most important thing in staying sober?

I sometimes feel and have recently understood that my mind may well not be what it used to be. Sounds drastic but I mean my thinking maybe more fragmented since having to take meds 26 years ago. Fragmented maybe not the word to use but hey ho. Perhaps to describe it is a little embarrassing and it’s hard to open up about thoughts. The meds not the reason as they work! :grin: But the ‘reason’ I take meds may have changed me in being more of a thinker so to say.

I had social phobias since and it’s important to build up a social circle and keep active.

What does everybody do for their own self-care?

I’m on a period of sobriety and it’s day two after a little slip Tuesday. But I’m determined to keep going and doing lots of things like swimming, diet and going to the cinema. :+1::grin:


Ben, I absolutely agree self care is key! Sometimes I. Isn’t confuse self care with self indulgence, as in eating too many “sober treats”:face_with_hand_over_mouth:


…sorry, typo and reply before I was done here. Doing things to boost your health is good self care. Being sober is the number one priority, whatever that takes.


I dont think its the most important thing to staying sober but a part of a multitude of things that help sobriety, for me this community and my mental health work are my most important things obviously self care basics like eating, sleeping, staying hydrated and healthy are super important but other than that self care for me means giving a shit about my appearance which helps with my self esteem…i like to do my hair and make up every day, the clothes i wear, hobbies and finding time for some alone time which allows me to energise and make sense of the world


Thank you Starlight.:grin:

I shall be back to share back to all later. :+1:

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I disagree. Self care will not keep me sober. Tried that in the past and failed miserably. Working a recovery program daily is most important for me staying sober. I wish I could say self care is next most important but I put my daughter next and then maybe my self care is 3rd. It should come before her but I’m still a work in progress.


I think self care is important, especially in reference to mental health and using our tools to self regulate (yoga, therapy modalities, breathwork, physical activity, rest, journaling, etc etc).

I see community support as self care and mental health as well. It all feels intricately intertwined.

I take meds situationally as needed these days, and my mental health is less heavy than in the past, and my anxiety is rather higher. For me, this also fluctuated over my life with hormones, perimenopause and now post menopause. Lots of factors. Lord, I am rambling.

I guess for me I view anything that heals under the umbrella of self care / mental health. Just my experience of course and could be more semantics than anything.


Well done on day 2 Ben! I do agree that self care is key in our sobriety journey.

we are cleansing ourselves from the poison we’ve relied so heavily on. We are finding ourselves for the first time in a long time and learning to deal with all the pent up emotions.

Self care comes in many forms -

  • join meetings and stay within a supportive community (this site has been so helpful in that regard for me)-- this helps with my mental stability
  • meditation(s) and grounding techniques to center ourselves and feel connected with our surroundings
  • physical activity to release tension / endorphins
  • deep breathing exercises and body scans - for a deeper connection with yourself
  • healthy eating
  • finding a set night time and morning routine – how we start and end our days is key on how we go through our days.
    I think of all these practices as self care - not getting bogged down with our responsibilities of daily life. Taking time to make ourselves better in whatever shape or form.

Wishing you luck on this journey!


Yes, Patty cake sober treats happen don’t they? But it puts me at risk at drinking again cause well I don’t feel good so then need a drink.

So many times I’ve done the bad stuff along with the other bad stuff - smoking, eating badly, drinking.

It’s time to correct what actually is going wrong. :+1::grin:

It’s ok to ramble sassyrocks.

The only way I am healing is just that - self care and looking after mental health.

I’m becoming aware of better feelings.

I think feelings come back getting sober then the next step is to deal with those feelings.


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Yes! This has been a big part of my journey. Being okay with all my feelings and learning how to just be with them and allow them to come and go.

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I think self-care is just loving yourself and learning to forgive yourself…its being able to stay in the moment, right here and right now…its something that takes time to build. Its the relationship you have with yourself.
For my part, I was always using something because I didnt love myself, or I wanted to numb my negative emotions, or emplify the good emotions…putting my body through a lot of stress because of bad life habits…at first when I started being sober I would cry for nothing or be excited for no reason…its all normal…it takes time to rebuilt yourself…learning what really triggers you and what doesnt…open your heart and welcome yourself…i am lucky to be here, to feel everything I feel…and i have the power to analyse why certain situation make me feel the way I do…we all have that power…with time you will built the real you…to me choosing to be sober and going forward in this journey is my self-care…its my way of showing myself and my body that I love all of me :blush::heart:


I agree to an extent but I would say the most important thing is making yourself and your sobriety a priority.

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Self care is an important aspect of sobriety, yes.

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Self-care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical health and mental health. When it comes to your mental health, self-care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy. › topics


I totally agree that self care is the key to staying clean and sober. When I let my mental health stay hidden and buried and numb my feelings and emotions I self medicated like u would not believe! I don’t listen to anybody. I run from everything and everybody, including my PO and the cops. I know now, being 5 months sober, that my mental health instability is the root of my addiction. I kept sweeping it under the rug and burying it and time and time again I failed. Overdosed too many times and never wanted or cared to take a look at why. Although… I am doing it now. I have learned with the help of the Drug Court team here in my town [name removed by moderator for privacy], that when I put my Self Care first and take care of me and my needs to stay clean and sober and liking myself i continue to strive. It truly works guys.

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Hi badgirl78

Your post here has really struck a chord with me. Yes, my mental health seems to be the root of the problem too.

It’s 17 days tomorrow for me and I am becoming aware of some problem I have which I’d like to call ‘a living problem’.

Gradually getting down to the core of it and it gets clearer to understand with sobriety.

I’ve had nice surprises happening, such as I have taken up drawing which is very relaxing and a wonderful tool for self care. I was surprised at the quality of some of the portraits I was able to draw. Got some canvas and acrilic paints and hey on some wonderful journey.

I wish you well and so happy for you that you are doing so well. :smile::+1::grin: