Self check in ✅ / My journey thread

You are doing amazing, im so poud of you :purple_heart:
You made this possible :hugs:

Yes I’m going to remain in sober time for sure and I also do something called affect it’s also a app. But I am also attending two NA meetings a month with my aunt bc I only have two more classes and I’ve graduated my IOP CLASS.


Fan-freaking-tastic!! Keep it up and your life will just get better and better. Lots of sh*t thrown in there, too. But so much more manageable sober.


Congratulations Mama !!!

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Everyone I got a car finally! Been nine years since I’ve drove

It’s a misabuishi advenger!


Congratulations on ur new vehicle. Lots of good things are happening for u in ur recovery :slight_smile:


A new vehile was one of my major milesotnes also. Congratulations on all the hard work paying off.


looks good i bought one last week my wife fed up me using her car


What is that thing ? Lol looks cool


Its a Renault Captur


That’s great, congrats to your new car!


Congrats! It sure does feel good. :blush:

Last September I replaced the hatchback I bought towards the end of my drinking days. It was a good deal and good vehicle, but not what I really wanted.

Got a one year old, certified Hyundai Kona Ultimate and absolutely loving it. Super fun and practical car. Also the very first time i was able to just buy a car without fear of debt. A gift of sobriety for sure.


Howdy everyone :raised_hands::grin: visits with my mom start today over at my mom’s apartment. I am BEYOND excited. Now it’s the count down til he’s back with me we’ve got 3.5 weeks left of supervised visits left :arrow_left: then we do the 30 days of unsupervised visits with pop-ins && then OUR LITTLE BABY :hatched_chick::baby_bottle: IS FINALLY BACK WITH IS 24/7 FOR IN TRIAL HOME VISITS!!! :house: :house_with_garden: and let me tell you I am on TOP :top::tophat: OF THE WORLD :earth_americas::earth_africa: RIGHT NOW!!! I have never been so happy :grin::laughing: I have worked extremely hard in this case and pulled it all off. It goes to show hard work does truly pay off :mobile_phone_off: and it’s the best feeling in the world :earth_americas: when I go to CHINS COURT April 5th I will be granted the pre-approval and once we get to that in trial home :house: phase I will go back to Court one LAST TIME to be granted FULL CUSTODY OF MY SON BACK :back: IN MY ARMS!!! just truly happy for my sobriety at this time. And I will continue to stay at it and also still attend meetings :handshake: and NA MEETINGS as well with my aunt twice a month since I will be GRADUATING IOP CLASS in two weeks that’s also very exciting with a certificate yay for me! I knew I could do this! And I just couldn’t be anymore excited about all of this! Thanks guys just wanted to share what is going on with an update. I hope everyone is ok and doing well and maintaining their SOBERITY AND REMEMBER WE MUST GUARD OUR SOBERITY LIKE OUR LIFE :dna: TRULY DEPENDS ON IT BECAUSE IT DOES!!! :revolving_hearts::heart_decoration::purple_heart::two_hearts::raised_hands::sunrise_over_mountains::sun_with_face::partying_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::star_struck::dizzy::100::boom::tada::cupid::people_hugging::speaking_head::footprints::muscle::mechanical_arm::mechanical_leg::clap::clap::clap::v::pray::weight_lifting_man::breast_feeding::person_feeding_baby:


Keep on working that recovery hard everyday. Your son deserves a sober, happy, healthy mom and you deserve all of those things as well. So many people aren’t privileged a second chance, you are one of the very fortunate ones. Best wishes to you and your boy :slightly_smiling_face: live the dream.


So excited for you!! Maybe get one thread going to journal your journey of sobriety and getting your son back. I know you have lots of us cheering you on!!


Hey everyone! I haven’t posted in a few days! Ive alot been working a lot more at work I worked a freaking triple at UPS on Wednesday when I hit the 5 hour mark I started making time and a half and then when I hit 8 hours I was making double time the total hours I worked was 11.85 hours on wed.

But today was the official day that I moved back :back: into my mom’s apartment! And Friday I had started the supervised visits here. Now only 2.5 more weeks to go then I start the unsupervised with pop-ins. The final date that I get my son back 24/7 is MAY 22ND EVERYONE!!! I AM SUPER EXCITED​:laughing: I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time I worked hard and this case lasted 9 long months but I did it and now live being sober has gotten so much better. Everything is all falling into place just wanted to share what was going on lately. Hope all is well with you guys. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::exploding_head::100::star2::gift_heart::heartbeat::heavy_heart_exclamation::people_hugging::mechanical_arm::muscle::raised_hands::v::+1::clap:


Over the moon happy for you!


So incredibly happy for you!! :heart:


Thanks sassy!


Thank u so much

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