Self sabotaging again

Thank you :pray:

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I too want to be honest and stop the merry go round. I still think I’m a normal person who can have just one or 2 drinks but it never ends at that. I have to get honest with myself and face the fact that I have an addiction to alcohol and cutting it out completely is the only way I will be free. I’m coming on this site every day for support and will add a note to the calendar section each day too. Sometimes writing things down is a good visual for me. Thanks for listening


Make sure your list of things you write about contains a gratitude list bc we need to focus on the good things in our day. :+1:

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Hi Liz22, How are you doing today?

Not good. I keep thinking I can have just one but I cant. I need to stop. I always wake up the next day with regret and hating myself. Plus I cant remember the night before and that really bothers me. I just told my husband that I have a drinking problem and asked him for support and he was. What is next I’m not sure.


Also thank you so much for asking and reaching out to me. It means a lot.

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I am reading a book right now that has a quote in it “Drinking steals happiness from tomorrow”–unknow so true isn’t it?! I think it’s great that you asked your husband for support! This is my first time on a sobriety app. I find that jumping on here and reading the wisdom that other people have to offer helps out when I start to get tempted.


I love that quote. So so true. Going to an easter dinner gathering but first I am going to get a non alcoholic drink to take. Wish me strength.

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Be strong ang enjoy your Easter dinner :plate_with_cutlery:!

Wish I all strength and power have fun at Easter dinner

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I’m a recovery leader still in recovery and I love your post. You should always use “I and me” in your sharing instead of “we, you, etc.” This is your recovery. It’s all about you. Be nice to yourself. Love yourself. What you’re doing is nothing short of heroic!


You just took the first BIG step by coming out of denial! :raised_hands:

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Thank you so much! :pray: I needed to hear that because I have been nervous and self conscious about saying “I” ever since, but I don’t know how to convey what is going on without it! Thank you!


Had an awesome sober time at dinner with friends who were all drinking and I had ice tea. I can actually remember it too. :blush:

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Had a wonderful time at dinner and I had ice tea and very happy I can actually remember it.

Yay! I am so happy for you! Doesn’t it feel good to make it through sober? I was a little worried about being tempted this weekend AND I can honestly say it feels good to be sitting here sober instead of trying to hide how much I have been drinking and using all day/night!! Congratulations on not drinking AND having a good time!! Major accomplishment!

It is of course ok to talk about yourself and ur experiences, but I started feeling better about myself when I started focusing more on others. Big props to u and @Dolse71 for having an online misunderstanding and getting through it. Remember that thoughts of drinking are just thoughts, they cannot become reality until u choose to act. Also are u romanticizing drinking? An elegant glass to unwind? But actually it wouldn’t be a glass, it would be 10, and being sloppy and actually causing MORE stress.

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Exactly! I find myself fantasizing about future drinking, like going to Vegas with friends and family. That kind of stuff. I realize that it’s totally romanticized. One drink will absolutely turn into a week long bender that I may not come back from.

Love this quote!