Sertraline has anyone got experience with this

Hi people looking for some advice I have spoke to my doctor about my extreme anxiety I have tried lots of life style changes but nothing seems to work I use cold water therapy I go running I use the gym I meditate breathing exercises but I’m still always worried about what’s going to happen I can’t be in the moment on a daily basis I explain this to my doctor and they suggested I try a antidepressant sertaline I’ve been sober over a year now no mind altering substances the most I take is a paracetamol or ibuprofen if I have extreme pain if anyone has any advice I would love to hear it thanks


Yes both sertaline an proponanol , give u a lift in mood etc no harm at all an may help u


Thank you I’m just worried if I take this do I loss my sober time if I take it as prescribed I would imagine that’s fine as it’s from doctors

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No not at all , you wont lose your sober time , im no longer on sertaline an you ll be suprised how many people are them - i was on them for anxiety but im still on proponanol which helps with the physical side of anxiety like rapid heart rate flushing etc… give sertaline a try an if not for u you can tell your doctor


I’ve been taking sertraline for a few years, as I suffer depression, anxiety and panic attacks. If your GP says they will help, then try them. They will start you on a low dose to see how you get on with them.
My advice, try them for a few months (as they need time to enter your system). If you have any issues, go back to your GP.


Yes ive had sertraline i was on it for a few years and it did help, eventually i needed something more and im now on duloxitine, i dont think it affects sobriety just helps with the anxiety, i did feel sickly at first on sertraline but it passed in a week or so, i think along the lines of…you only get one life why live it so anxiously when something can help


I was on sertraline for years. It does help with anxiety and depression :slight_smile: it can take some time to feel the full effect of the med (for me it was around 2 weeks) so if u decide to try it, stick with it and dont just stop taking them bcuz u dont feel it working lol that was my initial reaction lol overtime i was placed on a diff med for what my mental diagnosis is, so i no longer take it. But it was a decent medication to help with anxiety and depression. And not habit forming at all. So its a “safer” med. You definitly will not lose your sober time. I need meds to help me balance my mood so that I have a fighting chance to stay clean. Meds prescribed by a dr and taken as dircted is not a relapse :slight_smile:

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Just make sure you’re working on the deeper rooted issues of your anxiety as well bc unfortunately no drug Is a magic pill that will make your anxiety go away. U gotta put some work in too. Learned that when I went to the er for a benzo bc I was having a panic attack for a week straight and it didn’t work :expressionless: then again I am the unluckiest person ever so

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