Seven years sober today!

I don’t check in here very often now, but I’m seven years without alcohol today! I wouldn’t have managed it without the support from here on Day 6.
Sending good wishes to anyone struggling. I often think about the “other” life I’d be having now if i hadn’t stopped, and how many times I tried before it “stuck” (not sure why it took so long - just suppose I never fully convinced myself i needed to till then).
It is worth it, even when it’s hard and all the reasons why you drank come back to you (year 3 was wirst for that for me). Hope everyone out there is having a good day and hanging in there.




Amazing, congratulations!

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Great to hear from you and congratulations on your 7 years!!!


You did it :clap: :raised_hands:

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Congrats on 7 years! :tada::partying_face: Super inspiring! Thanks for stopping in to share this with us :grin:

Great congratulations! seven is number of perfection! Thank you for sharing.

Milestone! I celebrated 7, 11, 15, 20, 25, 30 & 40 with special coin chips designating those accomplishments. I keep some of them right under my monitor so I see them several times a day.

We can pat ourselves on the back and acknowledge the help and support we received along the way!

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Crazy numbers Rowan. Huge congrats! Thanks for checking in and sharing your success.

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giphy (2)
Congratulations with your 7 years milestone! :confetti_ball:
Thank you for sharing and celebrating it with us all :wink:

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That is marvelous!!! 7 years is impressive work and so very happy for you :confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball::tada:

Thanks for stopping by to share this milestone with us :pray:t4:

Waaav, what an achievement, congratulations :heart:

Congratulations :clap:t2::tada::clap:t2::tada::clap:t2:

