HOCKEY! Not sure who your team is but mine is the Ducks.
First pic is my family bay where I top up and self care.
Second pic displays my mind shattering photography skills Love taking photos but not a professional.
And lastly, my new found passion is talking to fishies.
Moved from the city to the Bush and loving it. I free dive for seafood, go offroading, beach life, learning to hunt shortly and living of the land.
Leatherwork is my indoor hobby. But I enjoy being in the great outdoors much more, camping and fishing.
Lovely work!!
Right Conference. Wrong Team!
Go Oilers…lol
My hobbies include panning for gold, its relaxing. Reading James Patterson books, he’s amazing. And scrapbooking, its memories that keep the people we lost but love so much alive.
Omg you made that…I want one
I like the flyers
I enjoy outside running, and since quitting the beer I’ve got back into swimming, I get in the pool most mornings before work and it sets me up for the day. The downside though is if there is too much chlorine in the water, I rock up to work with bloodshot eyes looking like been on an alnight drinking session
I like to make music play drums and bass work out and draw always a. Good way to kill time
I playing pokemon go (since this only game I’m allow myself cus of my gaming addiction). It gives me reasons to leaving my apartament and meet some ppl. Also bicycle and sauna swimming pool.
Lol! I will admit McDavid is a beast
I’m already getting flowering after just 3 weeks of indoor growing. Can’t wait to see how they do once the weather is consistently good enough to put them outside. Should have some serious growth by the time we get to September/October.
Been waiting for the pink flowers to pop open for about a week now! So close but no bloom yet.
They look great! Mine need some trimming and weeding, but I am being a lazy gardener lately.
I’d love to live somewhere eventually where I can grow them in the ground outdoors year-round. Just fill the front garden with huge agave, barrel cacti, and echeveria.
They do well here when the deer or armadillo don’t dig them up or take a munch. We can get a frost, so I keep mine in pots I can easily cover or move when a storm is coming. Visitors often get clippings to take home!
We have to watch out for our agave when mowing…those babies have an ouch factor!
Lately binging on AA speaker tapes, books and TS. Gotta.get this sober thing down better.
And cooking. Am I the only person who gets fat in recovery!