Shocked how many restarts!

I really had no idea this app had a record of how many resets have been performed until today… To my horror I have discovered it’s been 23, it’s a shame it doesn’t tell you ive what time period because I have no idea :thinking: This is going to be my final one I’m determined on that!

Following on from my last topic “I finally told my husband” things have been great, the silent treatment ended & he finally choose to discuss my gambling addiction. I won’t go into details that’s private between us but I will say, he has put down some ground rules which I will abide by. My husband means far to much to me to lose over money, he is my world… Almost 6 full days since I last placed a bet & I actually have money in my account, not much but I’m in the black not the red :star_struck::muscle:


Glad things are moving in the right direction for you!

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Thank you @MandiH x

Restarts are also lessons and reminders about what made us cave to our addiction - boredom, wanting to treat yourself in the wrong way after a hard day, loneliness, anger, lack of motivation, etc. So there’s a silver lining. I’m really glad things are going better now :slight_smile:

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Glad you told him that’s awsome because now you can move forward :hugs: