Short story, long

I began drinking on a semi regular basis when I was 15. My older brother was my best friend and I would hangout with him and his friends at parties about twice a month. As I got older and started going to bars, my drinking turned into a 3 day per week occurrence. Still didn’t think I had a problem though because it wasn’t like I was drinking everyday, I didn’t NEED it.
When I got into my mid 20’s I became a father and my daughters mom left me because I wasn’t fun anymore since I didn’t want to go out drinking. This really rocked my world and put my into a scary place. Can you imagine the person you love telling you they are leaving because I was too responsible? So I started going out and drinking, during the week and on the weekends. In a way I think I was trying to get her back.
After about 4 years of constant drinking and partying I got a DUI and it woke me up. I’m a father and cannot be in jail. I managed to not drink for 6 months, then only maybe 1 time per month for the next year. Then the reality of the DUI wore off and I began drinking once a week again.
Still, I don’t have a problem, I don’t NEED it. Sure, it has cost me jobs in the past. I didn’t like that job anyway. Sure, I almost lost my house to foreclosure, but that wasn’t because I was drinking again. These are the things I realized that I have been telling myself.
I’ve had enough of making excuses for my problem. I either have to admit it or live the rest of my life knowing that I could have done better. I could have been a better father, I could have excelled at my job and been a happier person. I will not look back in regret any longer. Instead I choose to look forward to opportunity!
Today, I am 8 days sober!


Congratulations on Day 8! if you can do 8, you can do 9!

Sounds like you’ve come to the place in your heart where true sobriety is possible. Defend that place with everything that you have.

Day 37 since the last drink I will ever take.


Thats awesome my friend. Inspiring to me. Youve got courage and wisdom and perseverance. Thanks for sharing your story.

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Good work on 37!

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That’s the best gift you can give your daughter!!! What I wouldn’t have given to have had a present loving sober father around growing up. How old is she now?

She is 12 now. I have been very present in her life but early on I would choose to stay out all night with friends. Then would not be fun to be with the next day.

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