I am almost 60 days sober from porn. I have noticed a HUGE difference in my confidence and brain fog since being sober, as well as a noticeable difference in how women behave around me. Now instead of moving away from my space I get more looks and them intentionally putting themselves in my space. So last week I asked a girl at the gym on a date after some banter and she agreed. We ended up going on the date last night, there was definitely a connection intellectually and sexually/physically. We made out and did lots of clothes on touching in the car before I took her home. She invited me in to chill while she git ready for girls night with her roommate. She has a walk in closet in her room and thats where she was getting ready. She had no problem changing in front of me. Her body is exquisite and she looks AMAZING in everything she tried on. She put on a tightt pink dress, and then we started making out in the closet. I followed the vibe, started messing around further. I was getting aroused for the first time since I watched porn, but for the first time from a real person in 3 years. However… I could only get aroused and 20% hard even though we kept messing around and I was so turned on by her I couldnt get a full erection. As things progressed, It was very noticable to me that I was not getting harder. So I had the opportunity and I couldnt get hard enough to pull him out and perform. Yea, it was a hot spontaneous situation as opposed to laying in bed with time and taking turn pleasing each other pre sex, but He wouldnt get any harder. Will I ever be able to get an erection again? Is this just an overreaction because it hasnt been long enough for my brain to properly rewire? Has anyone else experienced PIED? and if so how long until you could perform normally and enjoy the moment without having massive performance anxiety?
Side note: I eat healthy and workout regularly. I’m not overweight and I’m in good shape. So its not a physical health thing it is strictly the mental aspect. Well that ever heal? Please help