Should i believe in him

Okay heres the story. I had said that i was going to a rehab for a year and my boyfriend of 8 years was going to his dads for that year and we reconnect when i graduate from rehab. Ok. We have been smoking methamphetamines for 6 years off and on, and we have been smoking molly for the past 11 weeks. Now hear me out we dont buy our drugs ok, people come by and smoke with us. Maybe every once in a blue we will buy but we usualy dont ok. Alright now weve only used here together in our house and weve never used apart ok, alright now daniel is saying hes willing to be drug free if i dont go so we can be together. Now if i end up going to rehab for that year ill loose everything and i got a whole 3 bedroom house. Internet, home phone, cell, im in school, and we have an 8 year old siberian husky, and a 2 year old yorky. I would loose it all. Everything. So should i trust him and keep everything and be with him or go to rehab and loose everything? Remember now, weve never smoked outside of our home and we never smoked apart and before we got together wneith of us has done these drugs so remember that.


Complex life stories seldom can be answered by the opinions of those on the internet. All i offer is a couple things to ponder, maybe it will help your decision.

You talked about the physical stuff you have to lose. Read around here, you will find many stories of people who lost a lot more, before they got sober. The news is full of stories of people losing their life to drugs…Is going and getting sober, and starting a new sober life worth throwing awat over physical things or ones life?

You talked about only smoking in certain circumstances. There are many people that only used or drank under circumstances…then this diseas progressed and we started doing it more and under other circumstances. Are you 100% sure this diseas will not progress any further…when it certainly has for thousands and thousands of others.

Good luck and keep us posted.


You only talk about all the things you will lose going to rehab. Have you thought about all the things you will gain going to rehab?
Yes, it can feel like you have to sacrifice a lot when starting a sober life, until you realise they weren’t sacrifices, they were shackles holding you back. But I can’t tell you what awaits you in sobriety, you will know what positive things entered YOUR life once you are there yourself. You have to want it for yourself and then it can bring you peace and clarity in your future life.
I wish you all the best


The beginning of being sober at the least is difficult without a program. Its still difficult with a program. Get to na or aa and stop bllshting with drugs and alcohol.

I went to rehab for 1 day be4 i left and be4 the magic happened. Maybe it was ok? Maybe it wasnt? Im not sure

The bllsht drugs will prob kill you. You have much more to live for

Just stop the bllsht drugs


It’s unlikely that you’ll find people here telling you to stay. The voices of addiction are clearly screaming loud in your mind trying to stay in control. What are you going to do for your sobriety if you stay? It kinda sounds like you have your mind made up. Best wishes to you.


Sounds like a tricky situation ur in :frowning: To be honest, if I were you, Id be going to rehab (but of course only u can make that decision for urself). If its meant to be for u and him to be together, it will be :slight_smile: And I feel like ull probably be alot stronger after rehab also. I know you mention that if you go to rehab you will lose everything. But honestly… if u stay and things dont go as planned (and u guys start using), youll eventually end up losing everything anyway… probably alot more, bcuz thats what addiction does. It takes everything from us. If u go to rehab, ull gain alot more and ur life coukd drastically change for the better :slight_smile: Without recovery we have nothing. And its extremely hard to get clean and sober without some support and some guidance. Especially from the drugs ur doing. I was a meth addict 18 years ago and rehab along with tons of support and medical intervention was what helped me get clean. I know every person is different but I was told in rehab that meth was one of the harder drugs to quit. And it was hard. For me anyway. Maybe take some time to really listen to ur heart (where ur truth is). And do whats best for u :smiley:


I have two beautiful girls. I had 15 months of sobriety. I was doing good and seemed like I had sobriety figured out. Well next you thing you know I relapsed, started using meth and drinking again. My grandfather died and I was trying to be sober, id keep hitting 30 days 60 days. And relapse. Well my dad gave me a thousand dollars from my gramp and I said I was fine, next you know the whole 1000 is gone in a day, I told my self one more slip I’ll go to a rehab, I’ve always denied rehabs bc I didn’t want to lose everything including my girls. Well I reloaded, so off to a 28 day rehab, well from there my counselor said alright let’s do a half way house. I said fuck to, I ain’t doing that shit. I didn’t have to, but I did anyways and I went to the half way house. Where at first I did great, didn’t get to see my girls for almost like 2 months and then finally just got to visit here and there and lived at the half way house for over a year. Ended up still relapsing, now I have 70 days and still don’t get to see my girls as much as I want, I didn’t lose them but leaving and doing this was best for all of us bc I need to get my self right, if you don’t choose what’s best for you one of you will lose everything all together regardless. I think you can make either choice work, and I think with either choice you can still relapse. What matters most is how much do you really seriously want to be sober. And trust me you’ll know deep down inside how badly you want to be sober you’ll know deep down if your holding reservations by saying you don’t want to go, part of you will say it’s bc you don’t want to lose everything and the other part knows the truth you don’t want to be uncomfortable and you might have some resverstion to keep using. Just be as honest as possible with yourself. I wish you the best


I didn’t read any reasons why you should go to rehab. It sounds to me that you’re trying to convince yourself otherwise. If you and your bf were able to get clean together, you would have done it already. I know how difficult it is because I’ve been there and tried multiple times. Finally, I had to separate myself from my husband to work on me and only me. Staying in the environment I used in with the person I used with didn’t work. Changing people places and things is talked about a lot in the recovery community for that very reason. It doesn’t mean you have to be apart forever though. My husband and I are together again, living a clean, serene life. Happier now than we ever been but it took a lot of hard work (separately) to get to this place. Wishing you the best on your journey.


It woudnt matter if everyone on here told you to go to rehab ,its your decision try Na might help


Did I miss something? Why do you consider going to rehab when you state not a single reason for doing so?

This is the addiction lying to you. Telling you to rationalize why your addiction is not so bad because you rarely bought your own drugs and you never used apart and only at home.

The truth is that you have almost zero chance of getting sober if you don’t go.

And your boyfriend’s promise to be sober is an empty one. If he really cared for you, he would support your decision to go instead of trying to talk you out of it.

Friends who don’t love recovery will not help me do recovery

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@2besocialyfree a lot what written out responding to you. After reading it all, what are your thoughts?

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Take this time to think about YOU, not him. Ultimately, when you remove all the noise, hes telling you not to go. Whats his reasoning for that? Also, many things are possible. It may not be an end all be all definitive that you WILL lose everything. Bills can be turned off and on again. Houses can be rented out. Animals can be fostered / adopted and potentially given back. It sounds like you have an opportunity to save and make some money, get clean, and come back a better fur parent if you can play your cards right. You have to worry about yourself and let him worry about himself.

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I am notbsure I have anything to add here that others have not said, but you have to believe in you first before you rely in believing in him. I know this may sound harsh, but it could also be his addiction not wanting you to leave, it could be his fear of losing you also (I know I am only speculating). It sounds like though from what you have said that your addictions are codependent on one another, since you only use together and that is a dangerous place for both of you to stay. As others have said too, all those things you are afraid of losing you are more likely to lose if you stay. It is difficult to let go of soneone you love; but when it is wrapped into addiction, its imperative you do what you need to do. If it is meant to be, you will find each other again and the step and hurdle may be understanding that if you are going to take this step it may not be meant to be. If you want to be sober, to live in the freedom of that then you have to take that chance. Take that chance for you, and the rest will follow. I am wishing you the best, and hope you find your way to the life you want & deserve xo.