Here I am 65 days in sober the first time in over four years,and I am starting to get calls from those who are in their active addiction,their numbers are different why because most have either lost their old numbers or haven’t paid their bills so I haven’t been foolish enough to answer the numbers thinking it was important, but as it turns out , they are trying to see why they haven’t heard from me, but once I found out who they were, I gladly told them that I am in recovery and to please not call me unless they wanted to go to a meeting,and are living their life differently,it was shocking but also I didn’t see the point of running from the conversation ,this is something that is bound to happen,but I can’t forget where I came from the pain the hurt I caused myself and others,but the biggest thing is that I don’t want that life back,it feels so good to wake up in the morning and not be hungover or broke or staying up for days and week at a time,my self care is so much better,I wakeup with recovery,and go to bed that way Thank you God!!!
It may be useful for you to write a list of “pros” and “cons” of changing your phone number. Only you will be able to really know if it is the right choice for you. In the end, if you think it will be helpful, and that the hassle of making the change is worth it, then do it.
One thing I have gotten in the habit of is not answering my phone if I don’t recognize the number–unless I am specifically waiting for a call from someone or a business where I don’t know the number. If it is important, they can leave a message. If they leave a message, then you can assess whether or not to call back.
You can also start blocking the numbers of anyone who you no longer want contact with. If they leave a message, and you don’t want contact with them, then don’t call back and simply block the number.
Great work on your 65 days! Keep it up!
Yes change your phone number if it continues. They’re not calling for help, they’re not calling to check on your well being, you know why they’re calling and they’re going to probably continue to call. You don’t need that shit in your life anymore. As for forgetting where you came from, if you’re going to meetings or some other type of sober community like this one, you shouldn’t have a problem remembering how bad it was. Difference is you’ll be around the positivie people helping you change it
Thank you, your so right,I go to bed reading literature,and wake up with recovery on my mind daily,I wake up with a smile and grateful for a new day,thankful that God has did for me what I couldn’t do for myself,I look forward to another day,