Should I quit my job?

So it’s time for me to get real honest. I relapsed a month in a half ago. Have still been struggling since. I’ve reset my timer countless time with great frustration. I’m at a point now where I see I’m back in the thick of my addiction. It’s got it’s claws in me no doubt. I’ve managed to still handle my responsibilities and all my duties but by God just barely have I been able to do so. Problen is now. I can’t take it no more. This reign of terror has to end. But I don’t have a clue on how. I live alone and I pay all my rent and bills on my own. If I quit to get the help I need I’m losing a roof over my head. However I do feel that getting help is the most important thing for me rite now no matter what. Please does anybody have any advice or suggestions? This just too much for me to handle.


Got nothing to offer outside of what has been said above I’m afraid. But I can say that this place is a great place to seek advice. You can pretty much guarantee that someone has been through what you are going through. As you can see above.
Don’t get overwhelmed by everything, take time to think hard about your options.
Ultimately, you have to think about your sobriety and how much you desire to be clean. If this requires a clean break from everything and everyone then go. Be you.
Don’t be scared to ask questions. There are people who can help you whatever you decide.


A lot of jobs have addiction help and have to allow you to get help without losing your job. Maybe talk to HR and see if there are options you are not aware of. If inpatient is the route you need to go then discuss with the facility you’re looking at what the options are for you to have housing after you’re done. I would say gather some more information before making a final decision.


try meetings, try a sponsor work a program, you can do this in your own time and keep your job.

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Hey Elitegamer !
Dont be hard on yourself you said it yourself you have been able to still take care of your resposibilities amist being in the claws of your DOC with that being said thats a major victory in my book its true the terror has to end and you have to really make a decison when it comes to it do i get help work on myself for a better future or do you risk loosing yourself slowly but surely ? I say best bet is to get the help you really need no roof no materialistic thing will bring you peace like sobriety does i wish you the best !


No matter what. You said it, do you mean it?

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In the state of California, you can get disability insurance for things like this. What about in your state? Your doctor needs to write an “off work” notice for your time that you are “disabled” and cannot work and send it to the state disability office. Definitely dealing with addiction should qualify! Here it is for 70% of your income up to a certain max. amount.