Just been informed that Greening out is a form of overdosing and now I don’t know if I should reset or not. For those who might not know, greening out is when you take smoke to much “weed” or marijuana and it courses your body to panic. I hadn’t overdosed since December 16th 2022 and now I feel like I should reset as I have greened out twice once back in February and the last on may 24th of this year. Should I reset?
Your decision on what you do. If it were me, i would reset. If you were compelety honest with yourself does greening out equal being sober?
Welcome Kathryn What is your goal for sobriety? If it were me, i would be resetting. Just because I want to be free from all mind altering substances in order to consider myself sober.
Everybody looks at being clean or sober different. I tried the cookie cutter approach. Ok well i was 365 days sober from alcohol but still sniffing my wellbutrin or cocaine sometimes so i still acted sober because i didnt drink. Now i look at it like ok, if im trying to escape my mind with any of these substances am i really sober. Today i have 222 clean from cocaine, crack, welbutrin and alcohol. If i use any of these even welbutrin bc i can have it prescribed and its not even a narcotic i would reset my timer. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So what you choose for your sobriety is up to you and you only.
At the end of the day only you can decide.
Are you only concerned with greening out?
For me if I was to have one smoke/drink whether I greened out or not I’m still indulging so it wouldn’t be sober/clean.
I can’t pick and choose my limits as I have no control so I choose to nothing.
Which you well with your decision
cuzz you said which
Ha ha proofreading is not my strength
At my last company, for a few years, they didn’t care if you smoked weed. California basically encourages cannabis use. So, when I would go through periods of vaping weed, I generally wouldn’t drink. And I am an alcoholic. It really is just substituting the end result with a different method of getting there. I know being high and being drunk feel different, but you are still escaping reality with both and that is the whole point of both, so I personally consider them the same thing. Giving up weed was really hard for me since I would take little hits off my vape or an edible drink or gummy all day every day. Looking back, I don’t remember much from those years. Like the weed caused me not to be able to lay down any long term memories.
That all depends on you.
Personally, I live by the idea that any substance that alters your mood or perception is a drug. So, if it was me, then, absolutely, 100%, smoking weed would be considered a relapse.
Also, to keep it real, I ain’t gonna lie: sometimes, I wish I could be that person who can smoke weed and/or have a drink (or two), here and there, and lead a “normal” life.
Unfortunately, through firsthand knowledge of multiple-multiple experiences I’ve lived through when I was a sick & insane person, I cannot do that.
I will inevitably destroy everything if I go back down that path. For me, weed will, eventually, lead to (and has led to) a needle in my arm, a meth and/or crack pipe in my mouth, while washing down a variety of pills with IPAs.
Best of luck, keep comin’ back, and be kind to yourself.
I’m not exactly sure I understand what your counter is counting What was it you quit on your sober date? Have you used that substance since? If you answered yes to the second question, then it should be reset.
There were a few times when I was struggling to quit drinking where I’d get a few days or a couple weeks, then have a drink(or 10). The next day, remorseful from ruining my streak, I’d think “Do I really have to reset? Nobody’s gonna find out” What mattered is that I knew. I was lying to myself, and that was holding me back. In the end, it’s your call.
I think you need to really ask yourself whether smoking weed, without or without the greening out bit, could be classed as ‘sober’ by any stretch of the word? It’s been many years since I smoked but from what I recall the complete altered state of mind weed gets you in is the exact opposite of ‘sober.’ I’m getting anxiety just thinking about that feeling…
For me, sober means in complete control of my faculties. Is that really the case when you get high?
You probably aren’t aware of the difference between being sober and not overdosing. “Controlled” marijuana use, particularly when it’s not so well controlled, is not going to meet the definition of sober.
Getting sober can feel scary, so getting high may seem, by some tortured logic, as a way to meet the bare minimum requirement of not drinking or using some other drug while keeping the terror at bay. Getting sober all the way is not as frightening as it seems if you have a way out, a program of recovery to help you change your attitudes and feelings and actions. And those do exist and people have used them successfully for years.
Blessings on your house as you begin your recovery.
Sure, sobriety is a personal journey, but it really sounds like you have continued your drug use without any sobriety. Congratulations on only “greening out” a couple times I guess, but sobriety is much much more than that.
Reset your clock, stick around to read some posts and then decide if sobriety is what you want’