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I’m not sure where you are located but I buy mine at my local healthfood store. I get the strongest refrigerated probiotics they have at first for serious gut repairs and then in a month or two I go back to lower bacteria strain refrigerated probiotics for maintainence. :grin: I hope she finds some relief, I know how miserable it all feels!

Mandi was your rash itchy? She says it can get pretty itchy at times
I did some research. I’m going to pick her up a bottle of theralac from the Vitamin Shop. It has great reviews on line. TY again

Totally!! Not constantly itchy but it def itched and felt irritated and odd to the touch. I’ve been having a hard time kicking the sugar again and while my rash isn’t back, my face feels itchy like it used to as that’s my primary spot to be effected first but it shows up in other places for others. I’ve been cutting down a lot but am considering doing the diet again myself to cleanse the sugar out of my system where my face also feels tight with the itchy, feels like it’s signs it’s coming back.

I saw your original post and it really got to me. I’m curious what your sugar cleanse is, bc I want this fresh start badly. I want to be better. My crohns I know hates how I treat it with the food I intake bc I constantly have redness in my face and get rashes.
Would you think just getting back into probiotics help? I don’t know right now if I could kick the sugars after using, or maybe I’m just making excuses bc I don’t want to be that uncomfortable right now while everything is going on.

This is a quick snapshot of it, I avoid all sweeteners. Is any of this anything you need to avoid or do with chrons? I’m not super up to speed on that conditions treatments.


Candida? My wife had a bout of this and had to go sugar free for about 6mos. She was itchy too.

Wow so I’m basically going back to when I was a child and being on the gluten free diet. I know that’s the right move but tbh it terrifies me bc of the past feelings while being a child and hating it so much. Thank you for sharing that. No what you posted with that list, not a single thing really disagrees with my crohns.

Yuppers, that’s what mine was! And I feel the early stages of it coming back so it is time to continue taking more actions to clear it out. Gotta ditch the regular coffee and gf grains again!

Oh its SO tough as a kid going through that but as an adult I’ve come to learn what I want and what I need are very very different things. Did you find it helped you as a child? It can be a challenging for sure (especially at first) but man its worth it!

@MandiH what probiotic do you use?

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Well it’s hard to say for that. I know I wasn’t on the right medicine yet just being given prednisone rather than an IV steroid I get now. But I remember and it was just a short 10 day period when I was at rehab and left and simply wasn’t intaking sugars at all compared to what I was, obviously was clean for those 10 days and my redness in my face was completely gone. I think for me it’s the sugar intake, I don’t eat too too bad when it comes to actual foods bc of working out and protein intake and finding better things for myself but I know :100: I reach out to sugars to cope with a lot. These damn Red Bull’s have to stop. I don’t drink coffee and that’s my morning everyday. 2 Red Bull’s. I have a weakness for them

I usually use the RAW probiotic brand but I’m using Renew Life now and that seems good too!

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Any particular type. I have taken them before but there are a lot of different ones. Is that a pill or drink. Sorry that was confusing :man_facepalming:t3:. Still adjusting kinda early for me haha

Thanks! There are so many choices. I think I’m going to try some.

Sounds just like me! I often have a reddish complexion anyway but sugar, coffee and even processed foods like pizza makes it A LOT worse. And stress lol. I also have noticed I get restless legs and pain in them too when I have sugars at times, that’s another sign for me. But even starchy veggies, grains, effect it too for me at times, it is just on a much lesser scale.

Recently the best I can remember for myself, when I went on a chicken and rice diet it was very helpful. Oatmeal in the morning and chicken and rice all day.
My diet sucks, I know it. I make excuses for it daily, for instance now I’m thinking being in a motel room, how do I accomplish all this? Basically living off crap right now bc of my living situation. I’m so tired of the redness bc it makes me feel inadequate and ugly. The itching drives me crazy and again makes me feel ugly. Ugh :expressionless:

Go to a heath food store and find their refrigerated ones. They will be fairly expensive but I highly recommend you get the strongest ones with the most strains you can find to help you the most, especially where you have intestinal issues.

Oh, another important thing to mention I totally forgot about mentioning @goblue24, @anon44659383 and @Hulagirl, my GI doctor said you need to take colostrum with your probiotics, I buy mine on amazon. He said this works together to rebuild your intestinal lining and makes all the difference in the world and I believe him because I have noticed a huge improvement in my symptoms if I accidentally ingest gluten vs what it used to do to me.

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I’ve recently found a wash for my skin that is PH balanced that’s great but my body is that good lol it still fights me and I’m slow to heal from the crohns. Diet is what I know will do it but I’m stubborn and like to bang my head against a wall apparently with my life choices lol.

Got it! I took probiotics once and it hurt my stomach, I read this means it’s working?

Thank you very much. I will get into this bc I’m tired of the rashes and itchiness.