Side effects of long term drug abuse history

Hi guys, what are some of the aftermath symptoms you experienced during a bad night/night’s.
Would love to know what worked for your anxiety or steess levels durring the time you weer staying sober


Honestly, for my anxiety i would make myself sit down and just be still. I know it sounds silly, but it was away for me to sit with my anxious thoughts and let myself process them, and my emotions that came with it. I knew that they would soon pass and i would feel better. I also started writing how i was feeling. It helped release those thoughts from my mind and not hold onto them.
I drank lots of water and maintained good hygiene to help myself feel better. Also, eating well. Fruits and veggies, smoothies. Get outside and go for a walk. Admire the beautiful world around and remind myself that everyday is worth living and you never know what tomorrow could bring.


I’m almost a month and still getting stomach cramps dr’s say it’s just my chs acting up cos it’s been so long full on sweats at night Every night but they do get easier to deal with and everybody is different

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And whenemy anxiety gets really bad I run through some of martial arts makes me focus on my breathing

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Raging alcoholics here.
I went cold turkey since June 30 of this year. The first week was bad. I had the trembles and shakes from dawn until dusk.
The nightmares were the “fun” part. Monsters would chase me and I would literally wake myself up swinging. I have a small bed, so I fell out of bed every night.
I go to the gym daily and I bike every day to keep my stress and anxiety levels at a low. And if you cannot afford the gym, I journal daily here on the app. Journaling helps with my thoughts.


February 19th of last year is the date I against my will started this sobriety journey.Here it is 17months later as good as life is anxiety pulls up like a hellcat redeye.My anxiety comes from wanting what I want when I want it(im super spoiled these days)and when things dont happen in the time frame I feel they should I turn into a complete emotional,mental wreck;a big baby(minus the diaper)…
This forum does help me calm my nerves redirect my thoughts.So does music mixed in with a little aroma therapy and add 2 hands kneading out all the tension knots(4 if im really going througn it).Reflexology…believe it or not :man_in_lotus_position: Yoga and meditation(try it and you will see yyy the 2 are in the same category.Yoga is nothing what i expected.Mind,body,and spirirt).Lastly,i woulldnt suggest this but i do have to be completely honest if it werent for coffee, cigarettes,and me telling everyone about what grinds my gears,ruffles my feathers or really chaps my hide I dont think I would be sober as long as I have and all i really have is just today so that should tell you something.(No I did not relapse.)