Single recovering mom's

Calling all single moms in recovery, we need support too.


Yes we do. Welcome aboard friend :grin:


Thank you so much


Hey girl heyyyy​:raised_hands:t3::heart:


Hey friend, yes we do! Im with you guys :heart:


We got this, let’s go 🫶🏽


Single mama here. Struggling so hard with the irritability and parenting. Day 8!


I don’t know whether I “qualify” as a single mom :slight_smile: , since I have my mother who lives in the flat below mine (it’s quite a big house) and who helps me A LOT with my son, but, nevertheless, here I am!
Great thread, btw.


Hello! I’m new here and only on day 5 of sobriety. My sons father is determined to see me fail & I really want to stay sober for myself and more importantly my son.


Hello and welcome. I had the same situation. :pray: It is hard and I’m sorry you’re having to go through this. Having a support system was key for me. I found help and support here on sobertime. I also went to meetings. You can do this and it’s worth it. I saw huge changes in my daughter (and me) as I kept choosing sobriety one day at a time. I wish you all the best.


yay so glad we are here together! i left my son’s incapable father & moved across the country when he was 6 months old and now he’s 18 months. i used alcohol to cope (it’s been my go-to coping mechanism for over a decade :sob:) and finally got sober & began my recovery 70 days ago. life is so much better and more clear without alcohol, obviously. however i still feel unsure about most everything, and am taking tiny baby steps as i build my confidence back and understand what direction to take in life. it can be absolutely debilitating at times, just being so unsure & so overwhelmed with the amount of work it is to raise my son without a partner, while at the same time having to figure out how to start a whole career to support us fully because his dad is not supporting at all. but at least i am safe and my baby is safe and healthy - much more-so than we would have been if i had stayed with his dad!! i know all of us mothers have very different stories but i am so glad and grateful to have this one commonality, and share this sober single mom solidarity with you beauties!! :raising_hand_woman:t2::sparkling_heart:


My drinking started after i had my little girl almost 7 years ago…id always wanted a family unit of my own for as long as i can remember…i hadnt had the best upbringing myself with a father that abandoned us with no explanation (my brother and i) when i was 8 years old and an emotionally absent mother i really wanted a ‘happy family’ even waiting until i was 37 to have my first child thinking id found the right man to do that with…we tried for Sofia for 2 years, when we got pregnant i was over joyed but then my now ex changed during my pregnancy…i knew he had changed his mind about wanting all of this but it was too late…he left us when my daughter was 10 months old…to say i was devastated doesnt really cut it…i was utterly broken and thats when i started to drink, over 5 years it progressed but so slowly that i didnt notice until i was completely under the control of the booze…the last year of that id say i was a full blown alcoholic…

Thats my story i wrote after a year sober of my full story of getting sober so far, im almost 15 months now and a happier very proud mother of a very happy almost 7 year old daughter, still a single mother but embracing it and loving life thanks to the people on this site :heart:

Love to you all :heart: :people_hugging:


Thank you… I found online AA meetings so I can still be home after work plus I feel more comfortable doing online.


Your story is so inspiring!!! I am back at my moms house with my child after a break up as well. No support, and terrified about starting over so late and finding a career to support us. It’s been the only thing on my mind and I’m terrified :frowning:


millions of women have done it and are doing it. we can do it too. you and i are lucky to have our mothers and family support. it’s been really hard for me to maintain respect of this man as he keeps floundering pitifully. i continually try to take the high road it’s exhausting. but we are warriors and we are great moms for protecting ourselves and our children. we are safe now. we are sober. no more toxicity. we are valuable and capable. we got this mama :muscle:t4::sparkling_heart: