Sitting in Lidl carpark wanting to drink vodka

I hope today is easier for you buddy, keep checking in on here!

Edit: and now i see you on other threads using your strength to help others in crisis. It’s inspiring mate.


You werent happy when you were drinking you just didnt know you felt anything else! You wont be happy drinking a bottle of vodka you just wont feel sad then it becomes more about sustainability not getting sick everyday then it will be about a argument you had today! Congratulations you turned 1 day into 144 you should be beyond proud of yourself let tomorrow be 145 instead of the 1st day of a relapse.


Each time I ‘dodged a bullet’ it made my resolve stronger, knowing how easily my sobriety could have been lost. Dodging those bullets gets easier, until your so good you’re doing it like in the Matrix!


Im super impressed with how u handled this!! We all get these moments when we wana say fuck it and reach for the bottle but the point is how u handle it and what u do about it…you came here and reached out…got some great advice… u didnt cave and strengthened your resolve, this is a masterclass on what to do when your struggling! LOVE THIS :heart:


You see that feeling? You wake up and you’re so glad you didn’t drink? Take a good mental note of this, you’ll need it any time your sobriety is under threat. It’s glorious waking up clear headed in the morning.

I can’t applaud you enough for coming straight here when your sobriety was threatened. As Kelly said, this was a masterclass on how to avoid a disaster. You sought help from people that understand you, it’s all about communication.

As Dan said above, we ARE you, we know exactly the feelings you’re talking about. There will be every reason under the sun to drink, but that feeling you feel this morning is worth staying sober for.

Welcome to the site, stick around :slightly_smiling_face: :people_hugging:


Hi, yes everyone on here helped me last night and then this morning, I thought that I should do the same and hopefully help other people when they are struggling. Definitely going to be more active on here.


Thank you, I do feel better today and can’t even believe I was considering drinking!!


This to me is absolutely what its all about…recovery doesnt mean ul never struggle but getting help from those who understand when u do is crucial…then it creates a ripple effect in which you then want to help others…its a win, win and a beautiful thing imho :heart:


I prefer Aldi lol . when i got shaky in early sobriety i had a sponsor or a friend id met at a meeting to lift the phone to and there wasnt any mobiles then but a good network and face to face meetings helped me stay sober through the shaky times wish you well