Sleep patterns

I’ve been sober for 10 days and counting. Here’s what I notice about my sleep pattern and would like to know if anyone has a similar observation

When I used to drink daily my sleep time was around 6 hours a night . I wasn’t waking up hungover everyday and didn’t really wake up after 6 hours for work. 6 hours felt good enough. After I’ve sobered up I’m sleeping for 8 hours everyday and find it very rough to get out of bed. Is oversleeping a result of alcohol withdrawal ?


@Jay t can be, especially in the early days and months. When I first got sober, I couldn’t sleep though the night for weeks! But gradually once all the drugs and alcohol cleared my system I slept great. Your body probably needs the rest to recooperate as it clears the junk away. Unfortunately many of us go through periods of depression when getting sober. Because we no longer have our “coping mechanism” of alcohol, or other substances/behavior. If you’re willing, find as many means of support that you can. I couldn’t have ever done this alone, and believeme, i tried. Set your clock to wake yourself up at the same time everyday and make yourself get out of bed. Start a mini routine (get up, make your bed, brush teeth, get dressed, and get out…etc) it may sound silly but in early sobriety we need routine so we don’t get stuck in a rut and get caught up in our heads and start to isolate. If you feel like you’re getting depressed, see your doctor. Many of us need medication in the beginning to help us through the depression as we heal. You’re on the right track by asking for help. Stay strong, stay sober! :smile::smile:


@Jay another reason for why you may have felt more energetic in the morning when you were drinking is the brain’s attempt to balance the depressant. I can’t remember where I read it, but there was an article online that discussed how people feel more awake in the morning after having 2 or so drinks. It is enough to get your brain to produce more stimulants but not enough to make the person feel hung over.

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Same, I still sleep like ten hours a night and I’ll wake up feeling like I didn’t sleep all, and I’m on my second month right now. I toss and turn a lot. Still waiting for the sleep I used to get before I was drinking. I have a lot more thoughts too so it’s harder to fall asleep I usually take meletonin but I don’t actually know if it’s helping much

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Sooo wish I didnt read your post. Ahhh! I got this… you got this… we got this! :wink:

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Yes this is normal. I have the same problem but can’t get and stay asleep. Your sleep cycle has been altered and trying to work itself or figure itself out. Drinking is a depressed but also stimulates you in the first couple of hours of drinking then you crash (depress). 8 hrs is recommended by all healthcare providers and this is correct if you can get it. You might now be getting more REM sleep. The chemistry in your brain is changing, your feel good chemical dopamine is lower without substance you have been using but will increase over time of not using so give it time.

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