Small Victories Matter

Yesterday was incredibly stressful for me at work. A coworker is trying undermine me behind my back. Normally I would have gotten drunk as soon as I got home. Nope! Did not have a drop of alcohol and made sure I didn’t go to the convenience store to get wine like I’m used to doing when upset.


Well done! And I agree, small victories matter a lot. That’s how we build our sober muscles, bit by bit.


Yes indeed! Celebrating the small victories right there with ya!:hugs:


Well done! You did great!

Unfortunately, backstabbing behavior is common in some workplaces. My last one was that way. Good on you for not running to alcohol over something you can’t control = other people’s bad behavior.

I hope the situation improves. More importantly, you stayed sober! It’s a great feeling to break those associations, that automatic self-destructive impulse.


Thats a huge victory! Youre creating new neuropathways!

Proud of you my friend. Navigating stressors is a very tough skill to learn on sober legs


I’m really sorry to hear that you had such a tough day at work. It’s fantastic that you managed to avoid drinking and didn’t let the stress push you into old habits. That’s a huge achievement and shows a lot of strength. Keep it up!


Great job! Sorry your co-worker was being a tool.


honestly, that is huge. i wait all week to go out Sunday night most weeks, and it always ends the same way: waking up feeling gross, broke, and not any better about my situation. :sweat_smile::heart: it takes a lot sometimes to just breathe and realize, i don’t have to self destruct because of the actions of others – we deserve better than that.


im sorry to hear about you rough day at work . the small victories tell alot i think where you stand in your sobriety especially during the thick and thin times .good job by the way


Know this is a little late but congratulations!!

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Way to go!

Great work! Knowing myself I would have probably buy a bottle the next day to celebrate that earlier achievement :grinning:

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