Smart Phones for Sex addicts

I have a smartphone that’s just got to go. The battery is fried and it’s time for a different phone. I have been using covenant eyes accountability software on a Google pixel and have had good results and I feel safe. I do however have tons of battery issues. I’m curious to hear from other sex addicts in here. What kind of setup do you have if you have a smartphone? How much of an effect on your battery does your accountability software have, if you have such software. :thinking:

I don’t have experience with using software like Covenant Eyes or other porn blockers. We do have a forum in here with a lot of porn and sex addicts where you can post your question and probably get a lot of answers on. Look up PMO and you will find it. I just posted in there so if you don’t feel like doing a search, you can probably find it at the top of this list. How has using porn blockers helped you with your sobriety? How long have you been sober for?

Personally, using a porn blocker or other filter isn’t too useful for me. It is a little like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound… Though the comparison is a little flawed.

Recovery comes from getting to the root of the problems (especially with compulsive behavior vice substance) and finding out WHY we are doing what we do, and finding ways to sit through our triggers without acting out.

If we use a filter, we hide from true recovery (though it may reduce the strength of the craving or urge) and we prolong the process of true healing.

For some people, a filter really works! You’ll have to find what is best for you.

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