Smoking cigarettes and coffee to shake off alcohol

Does anybody else smoke more cigarettes and coffee in order to stop drinking and doing other drugs?
Most members in my AA smoke and we take coffee during meetings.
Is this approach sane?


I’ve been wondering the same thing. The introduction to this app says ‘quit smoking you’ll thank yourself later’ But I was a smoker long before I ever had a drink, and am hopelessly addicted. I’ve always been a smoker but taking on 2 addictions at once seems overwhelming to me. I am smoking more now that I don’t drink, and have upped coffee/food/candy consumption. I think we need someone with years of sobriety under their belt to chime in


Sane…who knows. Better than black out drunk or DUIs…yes. We are addicts. For me, it permeates my life. Why buy just 1 donut, 2 would be better. Why buy 1 cupcake, a pack of 6 would be better.


I definitely drink more coffee. As for cigarettes. The joy I had with smoking kind of left when I stopped drinking. I haven’t bought a pack of smokes in over a month now. It wasn’t intentional, I just started smoking less and less so I stopped. I do have the occasional smoke at work. Like @anon46927530 said we are addicts after all. I do indulge in candy and sweets but it would be very easy for me to overindulge if I’m not careful.


When I first got sober I was drinking coffee like it was going out of fashion. Before I always had a can on the go.
I also found myself vaping a lot more as well.
I just went with it.
Anything that can help has got to be a good thing. I have found it evens out later.
After a couple of months I noticed I wasn’t drinking coffee as much.
I’m back to what I would consider my normal intake now. And the vaping has slowed down as well.
You can try water as well. It’s important to keep hydrated.


In the beginning, for some, it helps. For me cigarettes were a trigger because I smoked when I drank (so all the time). The last cigarette I had was in detox and haven’t wanted to smoke one since. Everyone has their vices-for me it was to replace the sugar I wasn’t getting. I always have a can of seltzer in my hand, it’s a fixation. For some, a cigarette might be the oral fixation. Like @anon12657779 said, it will even itself out. Whatever, for now, makes you not pick up, keep doing that


One thing at a time is easiest for me. I’m not drinking or doing drugs so if I want some candy, cake, chips. I let myself have a treat.