I’m 5 days dry / sober today. Last drink was New Year’s Eve 2016 around 11:00 pm. Prior to that I had started smoking pot a few months ago (2 or 3 hits a night) to curb my craving and it works to an extent. I find that it eases with the anxiety that comes with wanting a drink / drinks. For the most part it works. However, there have been times that I would put the pedal to the floor and drink until I pass out and then go to bed.
The issue now that I have is that once I smoke, I get tired and don’t want to do anything other than eat… and eat like a lot in all one sitting… mostly ice cream, chips, muffins, fruit, juice etc. So pretty much sugary and salty foods. I’m thinking it will at some point subside but at the same time I don’t want to use pot as a crutch to avoid booze.
I find it hard to keep busy without craving beer and vodka (my choice of poison). Everything I would do that I did NOT enjoy or even actually enjoyed was always accompanied with booze. It was like my partner in crime. I want to ween off the weed as well even though I don’t do that much but I’m filled with such anxiety to the point as if my best friend / lover / pet dog / cat ran away and I don’t know where to find them. It’s one hell of a trigger once I’m home.
Anyway, I’m wondering if anyone out here has done or is doing the same and how is it going for you? I did the same thing around April 2015 and made it 10 days without a drink and lost 22 pounds. I was working out a bit as well. 10 days was my longest stint in the last couple years until this week which is 5 days today.
Oh, by the way, this forum is great. I’ve been reading the comments for the last week or so and your words and advice have helped me greatly so far in my journey into (hopefully) a long sobriety.
I smoke too (occaisonally) but ran out right before I decided to quit drinking.
I think I’m glad I did.
I was lining up one of my connections to get some more to do the exact same strategy as you - stop drinking, but toke every now and then as a “transition” thing.
After 5 days of sobriety (almost 6!.. I literally stopped exactly when you did… around 11 right before new years) and getting past my first Friday, I’ve decided sober is sober. I’m done man.
I think there’s tons of people here who have way better perspective than me, but from me to you I say choose a different poison. Like video games, soda, fast food, something.
I’m thinking building a longer string of true sobriety will have longer term motivational value than going half in half out.
Keep fighting the good fight man, we’re in this together with the Exact Same Sobriety Date and Time
My husband smokes every night for sleep (he wakes up several times a night if he doesn’t). I used to smoke with him - it also helped put me back to sleep when I would wake up at 2-3am hungover and feeling guilty. I smoked once…maybe my 5th day being sober? And it reminded me too much of when I would drink that I’ve completely removed that as well. It was never my doc so not really difficult. I think it’s up to you and how it makes you feel and more importantly is it going to trigger you and lead you back to what you prefer, alcohol.
@Jdubs I hear what you’re saying. Last night I was scared as shit… well that’s a bit of an exaggeration but nervous and anxiety ridden about how am I going to make it into the weekend (past Friday night) without drinking. After around 8ish the craving somewhat subsided and I ordered Chinese instead.
I’m not going to lie, I did have 2 hits around 7ish to calm me down… which it did but I did NOT like the lingering effect. I too had quit smoking pot for about a 1 1/2 years as well and started up again a few months ago.
I also do have plenty of things I can do… guitar, saxophone, workout, video games etc… Which I do anyway but sometimes I just go to bed to avoid temptations.
Anyway, there’s not much left and I’m probably going to kill it the rest of it. I don’t plan on doing it today to see how I feel tonight.
Seeing how we started together at the same time, I’m with ya on this journey. Let’s see how far we can go. Game on!!!
@Goose I can see that happening after a while. It worked for me back in 2010 or somewhere around there (sober the 1 1/2 years). No booze, only pot.
But one family vacation in the summer in Maine was the turning point for me. The drinks were flowing and I thought I had a grasp on moderation. I had not stopped drinking since then which was 2010ish. I’ve had one sober 10 day stint but that was in 2015. Other than that I’ve had a couple of days sober here and there.
I’ll be honest, the lead up to the weekend was somewhat nerve wracking. I knew what I needed to do, I knew what I had to do. But even with all that I was still thinking about it. Anyway, I made it through day 6. Today is day 7. I don’t plan on using today and see how I feel throughout the night.
My original plan was to make it to 10 days and then more days in small increments. One day at a time like they say I guess. It has been a daily part of my life for 20+ years minus that 1 1/2 sober stint in 2010.
And I do recall it being easier back then and not even crave it. My then wife at the time was still drinking at home when I wasn’t and it didn’t bother me. I would look at her as someone who had no control. But that one fateful trip to Maine in 2010 changed everything and I reverted back. Look at me now as they say.
I apologize for the long rant. Long story short once the pot is gone (not much left) I will do without that as well.
@Elisabeth I know what you mean as far as reminding you when you would drink. I have those feelings every now and then. I’m at the point that I do not want / need another drink in my life. I’ve quit before for a few days and then go back to the bottle. And when I have that first sip it always tastes nasty.
The pot is helping me with this first week I can honestly tell you that. But there’s not much left and when it’s done I’m going to refrain from that as well.
I have plenty to do to get my mind off things but booze has been such a major part of my life… 20+ years that whenever I do something while at home, it’s constantly popping up in my head. It was my companion so to speak for all that time. For all the projects I’ve done to mowing the grass, painting etc.
Thank you for lending an ear and sharing some advice.
I had a HUGE craving/freakout last night (you can see it in one of my posts) just like you too (so crazy how this addiction is on the same timeline) but I was able to get out with my little girl and get her a sucker while I got some pepsi.
Annnnnnnnd 6 days sober and counting mutha fudgja!
Let’s get it done dude.
I say savor the shit out of that last bowl and make it count. When you get the craving later, just remind yourself you went out right and don’t need to one up yourself… Just chill and enjoy some sobriety