Smudging advice?

Hey guys!
So we are currently in the process if moving into my childhood home. There’s been years of abuse and bad experiences there, along with all the good of course. And also some paranormal experiences. There was, I believe , something evil trying to get to my husband before he found God. I am a very spiritual person and I can feel things. If we would stay there it would be the most unconfortable, restless, uneasy nights. Since hes found his spirituality it has been better. However, before we move in i want to smudge the house just to bring on some goodness and kind of start fresh with it.
Does anyone have experience with this? Tips? Advice? Stories?
I’ve never smudged before so I’m curious!


On FB there are loads of spiritual pages were you will find guidance on this and maybe someone to clench the house from negative energies.

I’m staying away from Facebook for now. I’m on day 24. Facebook can occupy my mind in not so positive ways so I’m taking a break and focusing on me for now.

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Sorry didn’t know that offcourse :sweat_smile:
I wish you a calm and clean house!

Don’t be sorry I appreciate your advice I was just saying. I actually went on my Facebook for the first time in a couple weeks today and got such bad anxiety. There’s obviously more to the story but it has been nice to live more in the present not on social media lately. This app is my social media lol


Absolutely smudge the house, it will help release any negative energy. A few things I like to do…

  • Light a sage bunch, blow out the bundle, but leave it smoking… walk clockwise thru the home, smudging the corners, windows and rooms. Visualize pure light entering the rooms. Repeat the mantra, ,“The light of love fills this space” as you walk thru the house.

  • Cedar and sweetgrass may also be appropriate to smudge with, if you need additional cleansing.

  • Light a white candle and walk thru the home bringing the cleansing white light with you.

  • Sit in the center of the home. Have the white candle lit in front of you. Visualize a white light surrounding you and filling the home, pushing out any previous energy. As you visualize, repeat the mantra, “The light of love fills this space” …repeat for 10 minutes or until the space feels cleansed.

  • After your smudging and meditations, place black tourmaline pieces in the home to block negative energy from entering. Perhaps near windows, doors or corners of a room that feels heavy. Clear quartz is also good to place around the home. And smoky quartz are great for turning negativity into positive energy.

Hope this helps! Happy to provide any other suggestions if needed.


Thankyou, I haven’t heard about doing the tourmaline or quartz before. Funny enough the street name is tourmaline lol.
Does it make a difference doing this before or after painting or furniture or anything?

You might want to do before moving anything in or painting, but it isn’t necessary. :heart:

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Thankyou! !

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First i tune in.
I open all the windows and doors, I let all the energies in the home know that these are ways out.
I smudge every corner, aswell as around every door and window.
I have a few pieces of selenite that I place in every room. It’s a great cleansing stone. You dont have to have it but, I love it.
I use either cedar, sage or Palo Santo… usually sage though.
When I’m finished with the house, I sit and meditate for a while.
For me, I can feel when any heaviness leaves.
At that point, with gratitude, i close the windows and doors. Or just the doors if it’s a nice day.


Perfect thanks! I literally just placed my Amazon order for a saging kit. It comes Friday so I’ll be doing this Saturday before we begin moving!

Thank you! I was always random walking through the house with an ashtray full of burning sage… bookmarked this page for in the future when I’m going to clean my house again.


Thank you for such a thorough and helpful response. I have a sage bunch, actually I have a few, and have always wanted to smudge but never looked into it. Now, I can! :blush:

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Great idea! I smudge on a regular basis and would be happy to help with any questions you may have :slight_smile: @SassyRocks gave some great advice already though


Its important to respect the history of smudging, and its significance in indigenous cultures. Maybe do some research to decide whether or not to partake, because it isn’t something to be taken lightly. If you do chose to smudge, please follow a ritual meathod (not a closed ritual, but something that non-natives can do) and not just a YouTube witch’s way of doing it. All the power to you if you want to cleanse the energy, just remember that the practice has a significance beyond the understanding of most