Snapchat for sharing?

I was thinking about sharing my story on Snapchat, a kind of therapy for me I suppose and hopefully help others. If I get enough people to follow I will start. If anyone is interest you can follow me at deedinar18


lol I’m too much of a sissy to do that. That would be hard for me to do but your story could reach somebody and it’s amazing you have the courage to do so.


Yeah I’m kind of anxious about it. That’s why I won’t start unless I have a following that are going through similar things. If that doesn’t happen I will just continue to your this app bc it is also very helpful.

You don’t necessarily need a following sometimes it’s just feels good to actually say what your feeling out loud. And people will listen and you may reach someone. Our stories have similarities. My relationship of 6 years and one kid ended after I decided to stop doing opiates. It’s like you look at the other person and it’s a stranger staring back at you.

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Yeah but I don’t want to share my story with the people on there that don’t understand what it’s like. I have been writing a lot and that helps as well. Yeah me and my bf 7 years and a house and I feel like we can’t stand each other when we are sober…

I’m sure people will want to hear they will add when they see post. For me when I looked at her it was how can we know each other and how can you know me when I don’t even know me after years of drugs and alcohol. It took awhile for me to get comfortable with myself and to relearn who I am or at least who I wanted to be.

It was the oddest feeling. Coming home after 30 days in treatment and walking in to a stranger.

Yeah makes sense. I’m having a difficult time learning to enjoy doing things wo alcohol. Most of the time I wander around my house aimlessly lol

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Yeah me too. Being alone and bored is the worse time for me. That’s when my mind starts racing and thoughts just start popping in and outta my head.


And it’s hard to find things enjoyable because we have associated everything with alcohol for so long. It’s like oh I don’t wanna do that if I can’t drink lol what you don’t wanna go to the movies. Nah. Now who in their right mind doesn’t wanna go to the movies cause they can’t drink. Lol


Hey guys I’m not sure if you’ve seen the Instagram topic. One of the users initiated it and I think a good bit of em are following or whatever (I’m not on Instagram or Snapchat,so idk all the ‘terms’). But if you’re interested in sharing in that way I’ll check out the feed and try to leave the link or something


That link should work. If not just check @JayNegas

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Sometimes I don’t want to even get out of bed bc Im not drinking!!! Like right now haha who does that right !?!? everything feels so boring and I can’t get this heavy weight if sadness off my chest.

Yeah I can dig it. Especially add in the mental aspect. And meds. Can definitely make it hard to get the day started. Just gotta get up and get coffee and do something. Do you read?

Yeah I like to read, I do have to just force myself out of bed though… ugh :expressionless:

Don’t bash Snapchat, I have 3 friends on it.

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Rex I haven’t bashed it,I was just admitting my naiveness when it comes to Snapchat n Instagram. @Dee18 wants a following,so I thought maybe Instagram might be better. N I bet out of your 3 Snapchat friends you only talk to one,and I bet it’s not even regularly :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha yes I do. They’re my sister, niece, and kid. You know I ain’t got no friends :joy::joy:


So you have a sister,niece,and baby goat? Are you teaching the goat English? Hahaha. No friends?! :open_mouth: what am I? Oh yeah,I’m your adopted sober sister lol

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:joy::joy::joy: I’m good with having you for a sober sister. Lil ol Sharkbait muhhu ha ha ha, is still having an issue of shitting in the house. I got to work on the problem before he learns English.

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