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I’m a little bit confused as to how many days exactly you are sober but I congratulate you anyway as it is done one day at a time and that’s all we all can do. Congrats Simon! Keep going ODAAT too. Don’t go it alone. Find help. Here, in meetings, online, in real life… Alone we’ll fail. Together we have a chance. Drinking might help numb your depression for a little bit, in the end it will just make it worse. Much worse. Been there done that. Don’t believe the hype. Get professional help instead for that. Wishing you all success friend.


Thanks for the reply it was confusing wasen’t it , hopefully corrected that LOL


I like this post so much.
You always find very good words!
Thanks for being here Menno :blush:


I started seriously trying to put effort into getting sober around November of 2021. I had 3 relapses in that time, so 3 day ones. I was sober a total of 6 months during that time, period, trying new things each time. Every time we fail it’s disheartening, but just keep trying new programs and different ways to stay sober odaat, and hopefully that will have been your last relapse. :+1:


This is why I hated New Years so much before I got sober. Another year wasted, not better and even worse than the year before. That isn’t the case now that I’ve gotten sober, and God willing I’ll be able to reflect positively again at 2023 at the end of the year.

Do you really want to get sober? Your post sounds like that could not be the case. Regardless, I hope you get the wonderful sober life you deserve. So many can never fully accept and commit to sobriety and do what is needed to get and stay sober. TS has so many wonderful examples of the ones that did make it and continue to stay on the recovery path.


Welcome back!

Couple things, that reading what you wrote, came to my mind

  1. doubt…that doubt you feel is your addiction talking. It knows that if it makes you doubt, it has a greater chance of you giving in. Believing in yourself has to happen. I believe you can make it.

  2. get real active here. Read the advice, read the success stories, read the cautionary tales of failure. In my time here I have come to learn one thing. Those individuals that are active here, have a greater success rate at being successful at sobriety.

  3. Saying no to a craving will not kill you…giving in to it eventually will

  4. what are you actively doing to stay sober.


That sucks. I have serious depression. It was a lot worse when I drank. It never got better. And if you have it too, I think you probably know that drinking at it doesn’t help depression at all. Which makes using it as a reason to drink an excuse on your part.

But you’re not snapping. You’re here, one day before the weekend posting about likely drinking at the weekend. One could call this a cry for help because you know you might decide to relapse. Take responsibility. It’s you who picks up the bottle. Because that’s what you do. We as alkies do that. It’s not the depression. Or financial troubles. Or the bad marriage. None of these things get helped by throwing alk at them. And neither do they make us drink. It’s what we turn to because we are addicted to drinking.

When you’re ready I can advise you start putting work into your recovery so it can stick. Just not drinking any random number of days will sadly not do (tho I am happy for your 8 days! That’s awesome. Let’s build on that). It didn’t for anyone here with any amount of sober time. This is a good collection of what helped other folks on here:

Resources for our recovery

You can do this. Take action now. Don’t sit around and wait until you eventually decide it’s time to drink.

Take action today. :muscle: