So Angry With Myself

Went to the state fair last night, didn’t plan on drinking. Had a hard time saying no though because I haven’t fully committed to stopping yet.
Long story short I almost got in a fight, and my sister’s fiance said something that really upset me, because it’s true. He said that he and my sister expect no less of me then to get drunk and be over the top. That’s how ppl see me. I think I needed to hear someone say that to me though.
On top of it I overdraw my bank acct to take money out for beer and the day before my husband said I got aggressive with him that night after drinking a bottle and a half of wine.
I know I’m ready to quit, and I know it’s frowned upon to have a quit date set for the future but Sept 2 is my date and I can’t wait for it. I am so goddamn tired of hating myself. And I’m finally angry enough to do something about it.

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Thanks! I’ve actually posted a few times in the last few months but I just wasn’t ready to commit yet.
I’ve heard that setting a quit date gives you too much time to make excuses to not quit. To me, it makes more sense to have a quit date though.
I don’t plan on going on any binges or anything crazy between now and then but I’m going to try and wind my way down.

I’m a binge drinker 1 to 2 times a week so I really only get hangovers, not physical withdrawal symptoms other than feeling anxious the following morning if it was a particularly heavy night.
I wish I had the money to go somewhere too haha. After this wedding I’m going to on Sept 1, I have no events or anything coming up for awhile to persuade me that I should drink. I want to be comfortable just not drinking at home before I try it in the outside world.
My kids go back to school soon though so I’ll have plenty to keep me busy with school, after school activities, etc.
This time, I’m involving my husband and best friend for support, because as others have said, it’s near impossible to do alone.

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@jchavez3 Setting a quit date is better than setting a drink date. So many times I’ve said “I’ll stop drinking until my vacation, or birthday, or Christmas" and I can. But then one drink leads to weeks or months of binge drinking every day. We all have our excuses to drink but setting a quit date and getting ready to commit is a positive step. Good luck to you.


Quit dates are ok imo.

Gives you a chance to say goodbye to your toxic friend. Gives you a chance to mentally prepare. A chance to get rid of other factors in your life that may hinder your attempt.

Just make sure you dont make a mockery of your quit date by having another one 2 days later.

Then the quit date makes a mockery of YOU.