So I used to like to

If I can’t get back in to it sober so be it. I still enjoy playing a little Tony hawk. But it’s definitely worth giving up Xbox to give up my pill addiction

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Watching Game of Thrones without drinking wine is hard :joy::sob::sob::sob::sob:

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Never been into that show but you are right some things are so different. O.K. though I’m staying the course.

Hang out with friends … Most of my friends drink. Actually all of them drink. Most of them drink heavily. It’s going to be hard to be around them. I may not chill with them as much. I drank to not be in my own head then get fucked up and be even worse. I don’t actually like who I am when I’m messed up. I’m hungover today and hate it. Days like this all I do is take baths and smoke cigarettes. It’s disgusting. Plus I’m broke because of all my impulsive boredom drinking and spending. Not being around my friends for a bit will prob help me on a lot of levels. Test will be a good friend’s bday at the end of September. I’ll see where I am but I know now to say I can’t go if I feel like I’ll buckle but at the same time I’d like to go to see if I’d be able to hang out with friends and not be tempted. That will be the real test

Dre good to hear from you. Sounds like your already getting things straight in your head. A big first step. The words tell that. Here’s the test. Put action behind those words. I think you will sounds like your ready. My best to you Dre while you get to work.

The characters in the show always drink wine or “ale”. Makes me thirsty :joy::joy::joy:

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