So last night I overdosed

So after many months I owe at least some explanation especially to those who responded and did help.

New Year was a bender of note - any excuse and new year may even be better than Christmas.

January came and I decided that maybe the group mentality actually had something to offer. I became very friendly with my dealers, and asked them not to supply me, but also give me names of people they knew wanted to stop. To their credit we still talk, but they haven’t supplied again

So 2 others and myself joined with the start being 100% honesty and no judgement. So has it worked?

Well drug use has not stopped completely, but there have been a few weeks with no usage at all. We have had mood swings that would sink the titanic. We have all had them but we have worked at forgiveness.

I don’t believe you can do this without support but everyone needs to find the level they are comfortable

I don’t know if this helps anyone, but am more than happy to discus further

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I once ended up in a K hole
I thought I was going to die.

It’s just a wonder how our body does everything to keep us alive and flush away toxins. I wasn’t schocked after… i’ve been numb and unwise since my sister died.

I am schocked now.
Bodies can take a lot but surely be carefull. Or rather quit.
One day it might be to late