2333 Opiates
5882 Tobacco
Over six years clean and sixteen years tobacco free sure does feel good. I’m grateful for the life recovery has given me. Quitting smoking has saved me well over $53K and God only knows how much I’ve saved on drugs in the six years I have been clean. The last 3 months before I got clean I spent $13K on pills from buying pills, and that was only 3 months.
I’m grateful for being here both physically and mentally for my wife and kids. Six years ago I would have never dreamed I’d have a freshman in college and high school. I really believed that i would be dead from an overdose way before my oldest went to high school.
I’m grateful for renewed friendships of life long friends and those I met on this forum who have started posting again. You never realize how much you enjoy someone’s company and conversation until it’s gone.
I’m grateful for having another SGB injection scheduled early next month. The first one worked much longer than expected and I’m hoping for another successful round of treatment
I’m so very grateful I’m able to carry the message of recovery to the still suffering addict. We all started somewhere. Everyone of us had a day one. The only difference between me and someone new in recovery is that I have strung a few more days in a row clean together and I have a few more tools in my toolbox. I’m no better than anyone else. Though not as often, I still have cravings. But when I do have cravings I don’t keep those feelings to myself. I reach out and tell someone. I use the numerous numbers I got in NA. I message someone here or post about it. I hit a meeting or two. The point is, I tell someone else in recovery to help me get through the thoughts, feelings and cravings.