So over relapses

Too much juice and liquids can cause diarreah.

You will always have friends here. I’m so glad to see you back. Know that you can always give me a shout in a rough moment, Rob. :heart:


The guardrail needs to be further away apparently.


Indeed. Hit a guardrail you still get dented and scratched. Best to correct well before you get close to it. You do this with self-discipline. If discipline fails, you still have the guardrails to keep you from going completely off the road.

So what are yours?



Love you man. Glad you’re here and showing us what honesty and courage look like


I need to stay off the browsing sections on social media. Coming across the wrong thing can set me on the edge. Also, when I get cravings, I need to talk about it. Addiction thrives in the dark. I need to be open about it.


Lust is tough to deal with Rob, and so normalized in society. Incredibly easy to justify and hide or pass off as ordinary red-blooded male behavior.

I don’t know if I have any well formed thoughts to share, but I’m here too fighting the same battle. I’ve been incredibly on edge lately myself. Clicking on things I know I shouldn’t, going to read the news in places where I know I might see a racy ad or an overtly sexual story about something that is completely irrelevant to the life of an average person trying to stay updated on current events.

Maybe take an inventory of what’s been going on in your life lately. Is there an anger or a fear that has been looming over your head recently? A resentment toward someone that you feel wronged you? In my case, I feel like my cravings lately have really been perpetuated by my inability to allow forgiveness to work through me regarding my wife and accept her with all her flaws and mistakes. I must allow that grace to work through me and really pray for it to find us. I suppose it’s also been hard because my ego wants to hold onto the idea that it can fix the whole situation if I only spent more time dwelling on the past and how to prevent it all from happening again. I’m kinda trying to work through the 4th step with no sponsor and I’m not sure I have the clarity to do it alone. I’ve seen that there is a “Celebrate Recovery” 12-step program going on at a local church but I’m leary because I’m worried that it will be focused on making my higher power into Christ and accepting him as my Lord and savior…which isn’t bad… but I’m not very biblical. I do know if I lived anywhere near an SAA or SLAA meeting I’d be there in a heartbeat. I downloaded and app called SA Speakers which has some recordings from SA meetings and it is incredibly helpful. It’s warmed me to the idea of attending a meeting, but I’m lacking the outlet in my extremely rural area.

I don’t know if there’s anything ringing true for you here but I thought I’d share just in case. Thanks for having the guts to keep showing up!

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Thanks! After reading your comment, there has definitely been additional stresses in my life lately. I’ll be more mindful of them.


You got this Rob.
Just keep working it with us.

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Glad you are back! :+1:

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