Sober and proud- it's ok not to be ok 😊

My work Xmas party is tonight and i made a call not to go - I deep down believed I would go and end up drinking cause hey I deserve if, usually because when I drink I am an incredibly selfish person who lets people down. Instead I made plans for tomorrow so going and not drinking would even be awkward as I have to prepare food tonight for a meal for friends tomorrow and travel to run 10km race in the morning for a charity that supports people with depression and anxiety. Typically the day after a Xmas work party or a wedding or any event when I would drink I would spend days crippled with anxiety - tomorrow I will be out running to help people with anxiety instead of a hungover mess battling anxiety. 55 days sober and my confidence is slowing retuning. It’s ok not to feel ok - stay strong everyone


Congratulations on your time sober!!! Also, congrats on putting yourself and sobriety first by not attending an event you know would be tempting. Enjoy your well deserved day with friends tomorrow and have fun with the 10k, sounds awsome!!!