Sober day 3, I need help!

I think at the start i started readinh russell brands book and started rhe exercises in that. I also spent time really committing to it and watching way too many box sets. Good luck!


Thank you for this @HoofHearted. Really informative. I watched the BBC show last night after reading this post :pray:
Have you listened to the Huberman Lab podcast - What Alcohol Does to Your Body, Brain & Health. I can’t recommend it enough. He also does one with Dr. Anna Lembke who talks about dopamine’s role in addiction. Great if you find the science helpful (I do) xx


Thanks for posting this @JazzyS
Love a podcast ! I have an hour commute each way so the perfect time to digest these. Thank you :pray: X


Thank you for posting this. What a treasure trove of resources. Ace :heart: X


Congratulations on the 3 days and your super clean house. If you find you need to keep your brain occupied just in general… now that you’re not wasting your time drinking anymore, have a look what free courses you can access. From open university, local college or coursera. There is always a selection of completely free courses, others are free to access but charge if you require an official certificate.
Try something new: first aid for pets, sign language introduction, food hygiene,…

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Early days when i got sober there wasnt any internet at that time so no pod casts or celb giving advice just AA meetings but today there is plenty of help out there i joined a gym in early sobriety and off course my friends from my meetings helped me face to face , as i said plenty of resources out there to help you wish you well


I would suggest do some hiking or journaling to help preoccupy your mind and try to get your mind state off of your addiction. I know it’s easier said than done but it’s totally worth it in the long run. My worst day sober is better than my best day intoxicated and I found that a hobby that I lojg thought dead was still alive and well when I finally got smoke I have 83 days clean now and have turned out about a book of poetry and it really helps to be writing again. Hope that helps fun if you can’t take it a day at a time take it a minute at a time


Thank you so much!!

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That is smart, thank you!

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I will check those out thank you!

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I really appreciate you telling me I’m not alone, as that’s what it sometimes feels like… Thank you!!!

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I love quit lit and read a few per month.
I bookmarked this post and return to it when I am stumped.

Next up for me is Drink by Anne Johnston. Welcome. Dig in here and read around and reach out when you need assistance.

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Knitting, crochet, felting whilst watching TV.
You could start making Christmas crafts now, like tree decorations then sell them for charity at Christmas.

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Wow, thank you for this!!!

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Ooooh I like that idea thank you!

All the credit belongs to @SassyRocks but I am happy you asked. I needed to revisit this list myself. :books::heart:

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Well, thank you for pointing me in the right direction!


I use quit lit as a major tool in my sober toolkit. It is so helpful for me to see how people felt and what they have done in their sober journey. Just like this site. When I struggle I try to read around here to see if I can learn something or help encourage someone else on their journey.

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Quit lit has been incredibly helpful to me as well. I first read about women ‘like me’ in some ways. Especially their interior life and it helped me feel less alone or weird. And some inspired me to change my story. Then I started reading books that educated me on alcohol and mental health. And all that lead me (back, I studied and lived it years ago) to mindfulness, compassion and lovingkindness. :heart:


I completely agree. I started reading quit lit in my teens always knowing that something in me was like the stories I was reading. 30 years later I am on the right path.
I bookmarked your list a long time ago so I am happy to share and revisit it for ideas.

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