Sober day by day

I made it to 40 days. Learning to love myself again. Very proud of me. :laughing::grinning:


Welcome to the community and congrats on 40 days, that is some awesome work there!


Well done you :partying_face: I celebrated 90 days last Saturday. I was on a beautiful beach on the Isles of Scilly wouldn’t have been there if I hadn’t started this amazing journey be proud of yourself :smiley:


It is a great feeling. We wonder why we don’t live this way. Congrats to you.

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Well done on your 40 days!!!

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Welcome to the community. Congratulations on 40 days

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Amazing, congrats :tada:

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Congrats…it gets better…stick with it long enough and alcohol/drugs become a non issue

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Welcome and well done on your 40 days!!!

Welcome to the community Andy. Great work on 40 days of sobriety :tada::confetti_ball::muscle:t4:

Hi Andy, congratulations with the 40 days!
Welcome to the sober tribe :sunglasses::+1:

Congratulations on 40 days and welcome to the community :partying_face::blush:

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