Sober daysss

4 more days until I’m 20 days sober from alcohol, do you guys have any advice? I’m never going back… I just definitely need more distractions. Hope you all are well!


Congratulations biggest advise just take it a day at a time dont get focused on the future or whats going to happen if u can put you head on your pillow tonight sober its a win.


Congrats on those sixteen days so far! Keep going strong. As for distractions, try a new hobby? Journaling? Come here and participate in threads that appeal to you? Read a good book? Clean out a closet?


I’m on day 17. First day on this site. I’ve been listening to audiobooks and podcasts to distract me, along with drinking lots of tea and coffee. Taking walks in the evening has been helping too.
We can do this!


Journaling is a option, get a good group of sober support, read literature, find a meeting on zoom or in person, pick up an old hobby or new one. Don’t future trip nor look in the past and dwell write it down. LET GO LET GOD / OR HIGHER POWER.

Congrats on your almost 20 days! Keeping busy has been amazing for me. It has kept my mind distracted from thinking about alcohol.
I had to think of hobbies and things I used to enjoy before my drinking took over.
Bike riding, reading, gardening… I keep myself busy with these everyday.
I built new routines that include them all.
You can do this too! One day at a time!!