Sober early birds! What time do you wake up?

I used to get terrible anxiety if I couldn’t sleep bc I hated being alone with my thoughts


Weekdays I wake up 5-6am depending on the day and weekends out of bed by 8am. Seems to be the latest I can manage. Hangover days…5pm-7pm. Lol. I don’t miss that one bit.

My alarm goes off at 0212 but I dont get out of bed till 0222. I leave the house at 0300, sit in traffic for 2 hours and run to my work station and clock in at 0500.

I can see that. I’m over here just pleading for some time to be alone in my head away from work. As long as the sad sad bastard music isn’t going… Lol

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I used to work closing shift at a movie theater as a projectionist for years, so I was a night owl. But since my daughter was born a few years back things flipped. Now I realize I’m a morning person. I wish I could go to bed at 9 or 10 and wake up around 5, but our daughter goes to sleep between 8-9 and that would mess up our unwind time together in the evenings.

i’ve always been an early bird gal :bird: i’m up around 5:30-6 mon through fri and 6-7 on weekends. i love my peaceful mornings so much. get a dog walk in, relax and drink my tea. …and am in bed reading by 9pm :laughing: :older_woman:

when i smoked up id always wake up 5m before my alarm for some reason like perfect timing, after quitting its so hard to wake up or sometimes ill just sleep right thru the alarn n it suuucks :confused:

It depends on the shift I work. Right now im testing, so im up at 0500 hours and in bed by 2300. In 3 days, I’ll be sleeping in, but working mid shift until 0230 hours.