Sober enough to get a job again!

I did it!!

Today was my 80th day sober from drinking a fifth of vodka a day for almost three years and moderate drinking for three years before. I used the sobriety medication Vivitrol/Naltrexone and it saved my life!

So, our landlord wants to sell the house and we have until July 1st. Ive been absolutely eaten up with anxiety not hearing back from any local apartments! But at least I stayed sober. Then we spontaneously decided to go two hours north on Thursday and drive around to apartments and talk to managers and get a feel for the area.

Earlier today I submitted applications to an apartment, and got a very promising response on one I toured the day before with their contractor. It’s super adorable, a tiny apartment in a cozy cute complex that’s pretty small. A resident said they love it! The manager asked when we like to move in and if ASAP she would work with me on her personal phone over this weekend!! We are hoping to move around June 25th to save up some more money (two checks from then top now) so I told her that and expect a response likely after the weekend.

The big news! I haven’t had a job in 5 years, and have only had 3 in my life. I have MDD and PTSD which I self soothed (badly) with alcohol. Well, today -

I made $8.25!!! :money_with_wings:

My first income in YEARS! I am officially a DoorDasher! :smiley: I know some people don’t consider it a “real job” but I am SO HAPPY to be able to contribute to the household again. I’ve made enough to almost pay a month of ad-free Hulu! I can get a week of gas in my car! I DID IT!! I only did one order just to practice, as I was shaking like a dang leaf and feel like I made some mistakes taking a minute to learn the app buttons and locate the hotel room (I really hope they weren’t mad at me!!) so I decided to just do the one for tonight. Easy peasy!!

I’m in a small town now with only two places that Dash so when I move I’ll have waaaaay more opportunity, and I’m sooo excited to get to know the city and new people! It may not seem like much but I haven’t been this proud of myself in a long long time. I’ve done more the past three days than I have for myself in years. I feel ready to start over, clean and fresh. :black_heart:

If you’ve stuck around to here: Thank you for reading my not-so-subtle brag hehe! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congratulations on ur 80 days that’s awesome and on your new job you should be proud of yourself it’s nerve racking starting a new job and you got through it and fingers crossed on your new apt it sounds like things are going in the right direction so keep up the great work and take it one day at a time

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Thank you so much!! When any negative thoughts come - could I have done better, this or that - I have to keep telling myself I’m brand new at this stuff again :slight_smile:


Well done @emi that’s a really great achievement and something you should be proud of!

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Ur doing great be proud of yourself it a big first step

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I appreciate it!! I feel like I finally can have some control over my own future! :sparkles:

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Yes! Brag on! That is the feeling of pride you can keep with sobriety. Congrats on all your exciting changes. :clap:t3::clap:t3:

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Great job @emi that’s wonderful! You go girl! :hibiscus::raised_hands::raised_hands:

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Congrats!! Your energy and happiness is infectious!

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@emi congratulations! Super inspiring and great news. Only upward from here!

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Thank you sooo much everyone!!

I think I pushed myself a little hard for the past three days (I don’t usually leave the house much) so today I decided to take a break, and take some Sambucol herbal supplements to help with me feeling a little under the weather. I’ve got a dry throat, hoping it’s just from sleeping so hard after a big day!

Anyway, I can’t wait to try dashing again when I feel better again! :kissing_smiling_eyes: If anyone here has does DD and has any tips please let me know~!

Another good thing!
A month or so ago I went to my fav cafe and did a little flower doodle in the shape of a moon and wrote a cute quote on it. I went there on Wednesday and I found it taped to the mirror with a message. I was really touched hehe :sparkling_heart:


Aww, that’s so cool, that would touch me as well!

There you are, so you do go out into the social world. Give yourself credit @emi! You a bit of an introvert? I spent years on my own, still feel overwhelmed easily with more than one person.

Also a pretty doodle. You draw? There’s an art thread somewhere around here you might wanna check out. Show the artist within you (Part 2) here it is! :stars:

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Boom!! That’s how you do it! Good job!!

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Hey was just wondering how you were doing and how the new job was going

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