Continuing the discussion from Show the artist within you (Part 1) - #2710 by Matt.
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Continuing the discussion from Show the artist within you (Part 1) - #2710 by Matt.
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This thread is a space for lovers of visual arts to share their work. It’s continued from #1, here:
Was thinking about art and recovery the other day when I saw this painting at my aunt’s house. It was done by a family friend who’s on extended disability & lives with pain. His doctor had prescribed him opiate painkillers for the pain but he felt it was going to a dark place for him; he stopped taking them and started doing art as a way of taking his mind’s attention off the pain. He’s made some beautiful works - this is one of my favourites:
Wow that’s a great piece of art!
#motivationMonday #recoveryposse #soberblogger #sobermusicfan #sobernation #soberaf #makesobrietyworkforyou
#soberliving #sobermotivationalart #sobrietyrocks #sobervibetribe #soberlife #thesoberlens #affirmation #soberpodcast
It’s amazing!! And knowing the story behind makes the art more attractive
I adore the way you use colours!!
These are beautiful Danni
@anon27760155 I love it and the combination of colors
I surprised myself on the flower never thought I could draw/colour such a realistic thing… Shows what sober me can do
This is awesome!!! So clever
I love these!
I love watercolour!!!?