Sober for 25 days

25 days without crack cocaine! the cravings aren’t as bad now and I am finding ways to cope better but my big test comes up in a few days my pay day :confused: I hate my pay days but I know if I mess up this time then that’s probably it for me. Got to be strong <3

I deserve a better life but I have been stuck in a viscous circle, I owe money out to loan companies so even though I have quit smoking it will be a long while before I have money and can get nice things and live that life i dream of.This has been my excuse and my reason for failing but I have to keep on telling myself it will be a long process and i can’t use crack to hide behind the money problems i have put myself in, got to be an adult and sort it out whilst being sober.

Writing out how I feel on here helps massively because I can’t talk to many people in the real world about what I am currently going through.


Good for you Ross, that is quite an achievement. Do you have someone you can talk to on your payday? (or any day) Just having that outside perspective can be helpful sometimes.

Congratulations on your 25 days!


Congrats on your 25 days! :partying_face:
Stay connected through your pay day period, your addictive mind will certainly try to fool you into using! :muscle:t2:


Heck yeah congrats on 25days without smoking! Ok youre worried about pay day. Can you pay your bills immediately and put whatever else in a savings account restricted for a milestone celebration. Pay yourself but earmark the dollars as a reward?